The Hosted Planner program is designed to offset expenses incurred while attending Emerge 2024. It does not cover all costs.
A. To qualify for reimbursement, the planner is required to:
- Be a meeting planner for a religious organization
- Hold meetings in multiple locations
- Utilize a minimum number of fifty (50) room nights on peak night during at least one event annually
B. To qualify for reimbursement, the planner is required to:
- During registration, check "yes" to the box that asks "Do you want to be a Hosted Planner?"
- Upload an RFP to the conference system prior to 12/15/23 (this is done during registration OR you may log back in later and add the RFP through Networking)
- Attend the Member Orientation session on Tuesday afternoon.
- Engage in conversation with at least 10 exhibitors during each expo time (Wednesday and Thursday) for a total of 20 exhibitors.
- Remain on the expo floor for the duration of all expo hours (Wednesday, 10:00 am - 12:30 pm and Thursday, 2:45 - 5:00 pm)
C. The Hosted Planner program will reimburse the following expenses:
- Conference registration fee
- Up to four nights lodging (single rate + tax) in one of the host hotels
- Airfare or mileage to Chattanooga, TN (based on the Air Reimbursement chart or mileage up to $200)
- The following are not reimbursable: airline points, parking, car rental fees, luggage fees, seat upgrades, early check-in fees or insurance fees.
D. Submit the following documents to RCMA no later than January 31, 2024:
Your opportunity to participate in the 2024 Emerge conference and tradeshow is dependent upon our faithful sponsors and suppliers and their willingness to help underwrite a promotion of your cost to attend. Good stewardship requires your support and gratitude to them. Please show your support by participating in the tradeshow by visiting with as many suppliers as possible.