Spread the Word
Attendees! Speakers! Exhibitors! Sponsors!
Share your excitement about the PLA 2020 Conference with the badges below! We have small badges for your email signature and large images for your social media.
- For email signature badge: Right click on the badge, then select “Save Image As…” or “Save Picture As…” to save it to your computer.
- For social media badge: Click the badge and it will open in a new window/tab. Right click on the badge in that new window/tab, then select “Save Image As…” or “Save Picture As…” to save it to your computer.
- Be sure to link the badge to https://www.placonference.org whenever possible.
Use of Conference Logo
The custom logos of the PLA 2020 Conference are the property of PLA. Anyone wishing to use the logos in their communications and promotional materials must: 1) seek permission from PLA, and 2) submit communication/artwork incorporating the logo to PLA for final approval. The logo may not be modified and must be reproduced in its entirety (i.e., no outlines, cropping).
To request the use of the logo, companies should contact Rhonda Grizzard at Corcoran Expositions at 312-265-9665 or rgrizzard@corcexpo.com; all others should contact PLA at 800-545-2433 x5PLA (x5752) or pla@ala.org.