From Takeaways to Taking Action: Getting the Most from PLA 2020

Wednesday, February 26
10:45 AM–11:45 AM

Music City Center Davidson Ballroom

Joy FullerStart your conference off right with strategies on how to get the most out of your time in Nashville. Management Consultant Joy Fuller, will guide you through interactive exercises to help you organize your time, optimize networking opportunities, and approach educational programs and events with an action-oriented lens. Joy will share practical tips for turning conference takeaways into actionable results for your library. Whether you’re a first-time attendee or a seasoned pro, this session will set you on the path to a successful PLA 2020.

Fuller is an experienced facilitator and consultant who has developed and implemented strategic initiatives for dozens of organizations in the public and private sectors. Equal parts strategist and change agent, Joy analyzes data to develop insights, translates insights into strategies, shapes strategies into plans, and implements plans to drive impact. She has consulted on PLA’s Inclusive Internship Initiative and is currently developing a strategic planning workbook for PLA. Prior to consulting, she worked in non-profit fundraising and education. Fuller holds an undergraduate degree from Harvard University and an MBA from Wake Forest University. Most importantly, she is the daughter, sister, and niece of public librarians.

This program session is included with your conference registration.