Request for Group Conference Participation

The IAJGS Conference provides participation opportunities for Jewish Genealogy Special Interest Groups (SIGs), JewishGen Research Divisions, Birds of a Feather (BOFs), Research Groups (RGs), and others who may offer services or resources to Jewish genealogists such as libraries, archives, historical societies, and other non-profit entities. The Conference offers groups the opportunity to have meetings during Conference week and to staff a table at our traditional “SHARE Fair” which will be held on Sunday afternoon, August 21, 2022.

Please send completed forms as described below to Bonnie Birns, 2022 Conference Group Meeting Coordinator, at

SIG, RD, BOF, RG Meetings, and Luncheons

Special Interest Groups (SIGs) and Research Divisions (RDs) are invited to request meeting slots and schedule a luncheon between Monday and Thursday of the Conference. Please indicate your preferred date and time in the application form on this website. Conflicts cannot always be avoided, but we will try to make accommodations for those groups who notify us early enough in our scheduling process. It is critical to complete the scheduling conflicts section. If we do not receive any communication by the deadline, your group will not be included in the schedule.

The deadline for SIG, RD, BOF, RG Luncheon, and/or Meeting applications is Sunday, January 30, 2022.


SIGs, RDs, BOFs, RGs, and other non-profit organizations are invited to participate in the annual SHARE Fair. For the 2022 Conference, the SHARE Fair will be on Sunday afternoon, August 21, 2022. An organization may display and give away materials relevant to family history or research. Table locations will be assigned by the Conference committee at our discretion. Please see the application (coming soon) for more details.

  • SHARE Fair Application Form (coming soon)

The deadline for SHARE Fair applications is Wednesday, April 6, 2022.


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