Registration Update Instructions

This page has instructions for making changes to your registration. A common reason for doing this is to add fee-based items, such as Fleetwood recordings, to one’s registration.

It is assumed here that you have already registered for the conference and have a login email address and the password that was sent to you in the confirmation email message when you registered. If you have not yet registered at all, go to the NEW REGISTRATION item under the REGISTRATION tab.

Log Into the Attendee Service Center

Start by logging into the ATTENDEE SERVICE CENTER by clicking on the ATTENDEE CENTER tab on the menu bar.

In the PLEASE SIGN IN area, enter the email address you used to register and the password that was sent to you in your registration confirmation message. If you changed your password in the past, that message will say:

Our records indicate that you have reset your password. Due to PCI Compliance guidelines, we do not have access to your password. If you do not remember your password, please click here to reset.

If you do not remember what you changed your password to, follow the instruction in that email message or on the ATTENDEE SERVICE CENTER login page.

Attendee Service Center Login

Once Logged Into the Attendee Service Center

Once you have successfully logged into the Attendee Service Center, you will be on the WELCOME page and there will be a drop-down menu under the ATTENDEE CENTER tab that will look like this:

Attendee Center Menu When Logged In

You now have several ways to update your registration information. Each option is described below.

Update Your Registration & Info

This option allows you to access the full registration form for yourself and possibly for a Spouse/Domestic Partner whom you registered.

After you click on that menu item, you will see a screen with instructions and an area at the bottom like the following with the name(s) of the attendee(s) associated with your registation. (The registration date and name have been blurred to protect privacy.)

Attendee Selection Screen

Click on the “Edit” link in the “Edit” column to the right of the name whose registration you wish to update. That will open the same registration form that you filled in originally. Go through it and make any additions or changes that you like.

Remember that you must go through all the pages of the form to the very end. If you do not, none of the changes you may have made will be saved.

If you click on the icon in the “Confirmation” column, a window will open showing your registration confirmation message (possibly updated if you changed your password or we changed the content of the message).

Registration Payment

Select this menu option if you have not yet paid for you registration and want to do so without changing any other information and without having to go through the entire registration form.

This is also the way to get a copy of an invoice for your payment in case you need to submit that documentation for reimbursement. See the link “Click to View Invoice/Statement” at the bottom of the screen.

Attendee Profile Edit

This menu option allows you to edit the demographic information in the registration form without having to go through the fee-based options, registration type, and payment screens.

It also allows you to upload a photo of yourself (or to replace a photo that is already there). To do so, click on the little icon that looks like a pencil or crayon.

You must click the “Save” button at the very bottom of the page to save any changes you have made.


You will remain logged into the Attendee Service Center, generally even after shutting down your browser or the entire computer, until you log out by clicking on the “Logout” menu item. For many people, this will not be a problem. However, if someone else (for example, a spouse or domestic partner) wants to use the Attendee Service Center, the previously logged in user must log out first.


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