41st IAJGS International Conference
on Jewish Genealogy

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Latest News

  • Conference Digital Journal (1 September 2021):

    The Conference Digital Journal, a substitute for the traditional Daily Planner and Banquet Journal publications distributed at the in-person conferences, has been released. You can access it on the Flipbook site HERE. The PDF version can be accessed HERE.

  • Entering the Virtual Conference Website (5 August 2021):

    The Conference registration system automatically sends an email message with the information needed to enter the virtual conference. However, many people apparently are not reading that message, or the message is going into a spam folder. We have now posted the non-personal data in that message on the website. See the Conference Access page under the FAQ/INFO tab.

  • Getting Help (30 July 2021):

    The Conference is about to start. If you need help, you can write to the Help Desk at help@iajgs2021.org. First check out the information that is available here on the website, especially under the FAQ/INFO and PROGRAM tabs.

  • System Requirements Check (23 July 2021):

    Before the Conference starts, you should make sure that your computer equipment meets the requirements for connecting to the Conference. See the new System Requirements item under the PROGRAM tab.

  • Fleetwood Recordings (16 July 2021):

    Although the general early-bird Conference registration period ended on June 10, the early-bird pricing for the Fleetwood recordings remains in effect until the end of July, while they can be ordered as part of your Conference registration (see HERE for instructions on updating your registration). When ordered through the Fleetwood booth in the Expo Hall once the Conference has started, the price will be $100 higher.

  • The Conference program is now live! (27 May 2021):

    You can now see the schedule for the Live-Stream lectures, the SIG/BOF programs, and the On-Demand lectures. Select the appropriate item under the PROGRAM tab and see all the exciting sessions.

    Then move your cursor to the left to the REGISTRATION tab. Don’t wait! Register now for the 41st IAJGS International Conference on Jewish Genealogy.

  • More Conference Teasers (28 April 2021):


  • IAJGS 2021 Conference Goes All-Virtual (24 March 2021):

    After considering all health concerns and travel restrictions, the IAJGS Board of Directors and the Conference Committee have decided that the 2021 IAJGS Conference will be an All-Virtual Conference. This decision obviously entails major changes—reorganizing the schedule and a restructuring of registration fees.

    If you have already registered—either as an attendee or spouse—your money will be refunded, and you will have to register again for the Virtual Conference. Registration for the 2021 IAJGS Virtual Conference will be $250 and will open soon. Speakers will be notified separately.

    Please be patient as we celebrate Passover and navigate the updates to the presentations and meetings. The basic format will be similar to last year, but since we’ve all had a year’s experience with virtual meetings, we hope to make things feel novel and more interesting. Possibilities are only limited by our imagination, so a virtual SHARE Fair, a digital planner, one-to-one mentoring, and maybe even Expert Breakfasts using Uber Eats are all possible! The Conference Committee is planning on being seriously creative and seeing what we can make happen. Check your email and these pages often as we keep you posted on new developments.

  • More Conference Teasers (18 March 2021):


  • Conference Teasers (13 March 2021):

    Here are the first two of a series of teaser videos about the Conference. (Tip: click on the play icon—the triangle—to watch the video on this page, or click on the speaker’s name to see it in a separate window or tab.)


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