The following instructions are intended only for sessions that will be offered “on-demand” in the Lecture Library.
Presenters of Live Sessions should not submit an MP4 through this process. Doing so will NOT result in a recording that you can replay for your live presentation. Soon we will have a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page with information for speakers at live sessions. Live Session speakers should visit the FAQ Page for Live Speakers for further instructions.
You can find detailed, step-by-step instructions—including crucial software guidance—for preparing a talk in MP4 format using PowerPoint or Zoom by clicking HERE.
In addition, Ron Arons has created a more complete and technical version, which can be seen HERE. If you need further assistance, Ron has graciously volunteered his coaching services. Write to him at
There are MP4 videos that you can watch and PDF files that you can read. Here is a list of them:
This section applies to all presentations, those that will be part of the Lecture Library and those that will be part of the Live Session program.
We ask all speakers to add the introductory and concluding slides below—appropriately customized—to the beginning and end, respectively, of their presentations.
[ If you have comments or technical questions about this web page, write to webmaster ]