Waiting List for Conference Hotel Rooms

All Hilton hotel rooms are currently booked. However, there are always many last-minute cancellations. Therefore, we are setting up a Waiting List for transferring rooms from those who no longer need them to those who want them.

If You Have a Reservation That You Plan to Cancel

We ask that you NOT cancel directly with the Hilton, as the room will no longer return to our discounted pool of rooms.

Instead, please send an email message to waitlist@iajgs2019.org requesting that we cancel your reservation. We will confirm by email and transfer your room to the IAJGS account. We can then offer it to another conference attendee who is looking for a room.

Your deposit will be refunded to you by the hotel just as if you had canceled directly. (Refunds may take 5–10 business days.)

If You Are Seeking a Room at the Hilton

If you wish to be placed on the Waiting List, please write to waitlist@iajgs2019.org asking to be added and providing the following information:

  • your arrival and departure dates
  • your phone number
  • any special needs (ADA, bed size preference, etc.)

When a room becomes available, you will be contacted by email. Once you confirm that you accept the room, IAJGS will place the room under your name. You must then call the hotel within 24 hours and give them a credit card. If not done within 24 hours, you will lose the reservation and be removed from the Waiting List.


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