On the opening day of the conference (Sunday, July 28, 2019), from 11:30 am to 2:30 pm, there will be a fair with tables for

  • Special Interest Groups (SIGs) and Birds of a Feather (BOFs)
  • archives and repositories
  • genealogical and historical societies, and
  • other non-profit organizations

The SHARE Fair provides non-profit organizations involved in or supporting Jewish genealogy the opportunity share their story and to answer the questions of conference participants. And it gives conference participants the opportunity to talk with representatives of the organizations and to become acquainted with what they offer to genealogists. Think of it as a mini exhibition.

Note that the SHARE Fair is a non-commercial event. While organizations may sign up new members, no other selling of products or services is allowed.

Application Form

If your organization wishes to participate in the SHARE Fair, please submit your application by Sunday, February 24, 2019 and send it as an email attachment to If you have questions, please send them to this address as well. Although we anticipate being able to accommodate all appropriate organizations that apply by this deadline, space is limited and will be provided based on timing of completed acceptable applications.

The application form has complete details about participation. It can be viewed or downloaded HERE. (If you need an editable version, you can download the file as SHARE_Fair_Application.rtf or SHARE_Fair_Application.docx.)


Participants in the Fair include the following:

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