Online Reservation Details
The special pages created by the hotels for conference reservations are often a bit confusing, and this one is no exception. Here are some screen captures showing the process. (These were made using the Firefox browser in December 2018. There might be slight differences from browser to browser and time to time.)
Since we could not record all the steps without actually making and paying for a reservation, the information is not complete. Also, it is possible that we have missed or misunderstood something. If so, please send a report to the webmaster using the link at the very bottom of the page.
Initial Screen
When the special page at opens, there are two ways that information can be entered. With area A, one selects the room type first; with area B, the dates are entered first. In our experience, the process is buggy when one starts with area A. Therefore, we recommend using area B. One ends up in that area in any case, even when one starts with area A. |
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Reservation Dates and Number of Guests
Start by clicking in area A in the “Check In” field. A calendar will open beneath the field showing the allowed check-in dates. Click on the date when you will arrive. The date will be entered into the field and the calendar will disappear. |
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Now do the same with the “Check Out” field. |
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If the number of guests in the room is not one, change the number in the “Guests” field by clicking on the appropriate little arrow to the right of the number. If you are reserving a room with two queen beds because you plan to find a roommate, you can book the room initially for single occupancy and then change the reservation later to add the additional person. [Note: for assistance in finding a roommate, write to] If you are booking more than one room, you can similarly change the number in the “Rooms” field. |
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When all the data in the MAKE A RESERVATION block is correct, click on the FIND button to proceed to the next screen. |
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Room Selection
Area A on the page will now be displayed with your data entered and will show you the rooms that are available. Early on, both types of rooms—one king and two queen beds—will be available, but once certain rooms are sold out, only the available choices will be shown. Choose the room you want by clicking on the corresponding SELECT button. |
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Dates Confirmation
The next page will display a calendar with your check-in and check-out days indicated. Days on which you are spending the night are shown in green. You can change your selection by clicking in the boxes. When everything is correct, clock on the NEXT button. |
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Personal Information
The next page has a form for entering the personal information about the guests. Information about GUEST 1 (the person booking the room) is, naturally, mandatory. Fill in the requested information. Note that fields with asterisks before the name of the field must be completed. The other fields can be filled in as needed or desired. When the information for GUEST 1 is complete, scroll down. |
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If two or more people will be occupying the room, there will be forms for information about the other guests. One can check the box to use some of the same information as for GUEST 1. There is also an area for entering any special requests. |
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Now scroll to the very bottom of this section. If everything is correct, click on the NEXT button. [Note: you may want to uncheck the box for receiving promotions from the hotel.] You will now get to the payment section. |
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[ If you have comments or technical questions about this web page, write to webmaster ]