Table of Contents

Basic Registration Information & Links

Before registering for the Conference, please make yourself familiar with the material on this page, and especially the information about the Cancellation/Refund Policy.

New Registrations

If you have not yet registered and want to begin the process, mouse over the REGISTRATION tab above and click on the NEW REGISTRATION item.

If you have already registered for the conference and you now want to register a companion (Spouse/Domestic Partner), follow the same process. Mouse over the REGISTRATION tab above and click on the NEW REGISTRATION item.

Modifying Existing Registrations

If you have already registered and want to make changes or add items, mouse over the REGISTRATION tab above and click on the ATTENDEE SERVICE CENTER item. You will need to log in using the UserID and Password that were sent to you in your registration confirmation email message.

When the schedule of optional items is complete, including the Opening Reception at the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, Breakfasts With Experts, SIG meals, the Gala Banquet, and computer workshops, the regsitrations form will be updated. Then you may use the ATTENDEE SERVICE CENTER to edit your record to select and to pay for those events.

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Registration Types

We are offering several types of registration. You will be asked to select one of these options to start.

  • Full Conference (Primary, Spouse/Domestic Partner, Student)
  • Daily Conference (one or two days)
  • Audio Recordings Only (no attendance)

Primary registrants, including students, will receive a tote bag with, among other things, the Daily Planner. Spouse/Domestic Partner and Daily registrants will receive the Daily Planner, but not a tote bag.

Registration includes space-available admittance to open meetings, lectures, panels, and the Resource Village.

Registration for Sunday includes the keynote address and the the option to purchase a ticket for the evening reception at the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame that evening.

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Some fees are discounted during early registration and are higher on site.

  • Early Online Registration: until 11:59 pm CDT on Thursday, May 9, 2019
  • Regular Online Registration: from Wednesday, May 10 to 11:59 pm CDT on Saturday, July 20, 2019
  • On-Site Registration: Saturday, July 27, 2019, until the end of the conference
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Registration Fees

Be sure to read the material in the next section about the Mandatory Meal Voucher. The cost of that voucher—$65 for full conference registrants other than students and $25 for daily registrants—is in addition to the registration fees listed below.

Full Conference


Registrant Type
Early Online
(through May 9)
Regular Online
(May 10 through July 20)
On Site
(during conference)
Primary Registrant $325 $375 $425
Spouse/Domestic Partner $225 $275 $325
Student* $100 $100 $100

* For full-time students 26 years old and younger with a student ID.


The daily registration fee is $175 for each of the six days of the conference. (For more than two days, it costs less to register for the full conference.)

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Mandatory Meal Voucher

New this year is a Mandatory Meal Voucher that will be added to and included with the registration fee. The cost is $65 for full conference registrants (except students) and $25 each day for daily registrants.

The voucher is applied automatically as a credit toward any conference meal(s) catered by the Hilton Cleveland Downtown hotel or provided by the hotel through its kosher caterer and purchased through the website registration system. This includes “Breakfasts with the Experts”, SIG or BOF lunches, box lunches, and the conference banquet. It does not apply to hotel restaurants or the rooftop Bar32. It also does NOT apply to the reception at the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame.

The meal voucher is mandatory, cannot be waived, and is not refundable if not used. This fee is not waived for anyone (including speakers) whose registration fee is waived.

The hotel provides meeting space for us at no charge in return for our spending a minimum amount on catered food. If we don’t reach the minimum, we would have to pay for the meeting rooms and increase registration fees accordingly. You can look on the meal voucher fee as a way to cover the rental of the meeting space, with the advantage that you can use it to offset the costs of conference meals.

The voucher will apply to accumulated meals purchased through the registration system. For example, suppose you sign up initially for $40 worth of meals. No charge would be made, since this would be covered by your meal voucher, which would still have $25 remaining that could be applied to additional meals added later. If you ultimately sign up for $65 worth of meals or more, you would use up the entire voucher (and be charged for any excess over $65). If you purchase meals ultimately totaling less than $65, the remainder of the voucher would be forfeited.

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All Conference registrants will have access to the IAJGS Conference Online Family Finder using a password login procedure.

Conference activities, with the exceptions listed below, are open only to registered attendees.

  • Registrants may purchase a banquet ticket for themselves and up to three more tickets for guests.
  • A speaker may request a special badge to admit one family member or guest to his or her talk only. The speaker also may purchase additional guest badges for her or his talk. The fee and procedure for obtaining these badges will be provided later.
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Payment Methods

Credit Card

We expect most fees to be paid by credit card using the registration system.

Some people worry about using a credit card online. From what we have read, this worry is generally not well founded; online credit-card processing is generally safer than in-person processing. Internet systems generally protect credit-card information much more carefully than in hand-to-hand transactions. While there have been online security breaches, most credit-card fraud arises in other ways. In addition, most credit cards include complete coverage against fraudulent charges.


If, for some reason, you cannot use or do not want to use a credit card, payments may be made by check. However, please observe the note in the following box.


  • If you plan to pay by check, please do not submit the registration form until you are ready to mail the check to the Conference treasurer.
  • If we do not receive the check within one week, we may cancel the registration or the optional items ordered.
  • To take advantage of special pricing, the check must be received by the treasurer prior to the cut-off date.

Checks should be made payable to “IAJGS Cleveland 2019” and sent to:

Douglas Cohen
IAJGS Cleveland 2019 Treasurer
18 Lois Lane
Lexington, MA 02420

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Spouse/Domestic Partner Definition

The reduced “Spouse/Domestic Partner” registration fee applies only for spouses and domestic partners who reside in the same household. It does not apply for roommates, siblings, parents, children, or other relatives of the primary registrant, even if they live in the same household. The Conference reserves the right to verify the status of anyone registering in this category.

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Cancellation/Refund Policy


We regret if illness, family emergency, or other reasons prevent you from participating in some or all of the conference. However, we incur obligations to others based upon your registration and additional fee items.


Refunds (if any) will depend on when we receive a cancellation notice.

On or Before May 7, 2019

  • A full refund of all fees paid less a $50 administrative fee will be made if a cancellation request is received by 11:59 pm EDT, May 7, 2019.

After May 7, 2019, and Before July 1, 2019

  • A 50% refund of all fees paid less a $50 administrative fee will be made if a cancellation request is received by 11:59 pm EDT, June 30, 2019.
  • If you wish to substitute other Conference items for any fees paid, you may do so. NOTE: Items are not transferable to another person.
  • If the substitution results in a net increase, you must pay the difference. If there is a net reduction, the difference will be refunded less a $50 administrative fee. If the difference is less than $50, it is forfeited in lieu of the administrative fee.

After July 1, 2019

  • No refunds will be made for requests received on or after 12:01 am EDT July 1, 2019.

To cancel your registration, please write to or send a letter (delivery confirmation recommended) to:

Paul Wolf, Registration Chair
IAJGS Cleveland 2019
4073 Bushnell Road
Cleveland, OH 44118-3305

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Optional, Fee-Added Items

Various optional items and activities (with separate fees) are available only to those who have registered for the full conference or for the day of the event (and in some cases to their guests). Such items include:

  • Opening Reception Sunday evening at the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame ($15 for registrant and $50 for up to one guest)
  • Cemetery Tours ($25 for registrant and $35 for up to one guest)
  • Breakfasts with the Experts ($36)
  • SIG Luncheons ($54)
  • Gala Banquet Thursday evening ($90 for registrant and guests)
  • Computer Workshops ($25)
  • Boxed Lunches (Monday through Thursday, $20)
  • Audio Recordings with Slides (see prices below)

If you want to add any of these fee-based items to your existing registration, see the instructions in the Update Instructions item under the REGISTRATION tab. Note that the online registration system will close on Saturday, July 20, 2019, at 11:59 pm CDT. You may add or change meal reservations via the Attendee Service Center through that date. However, no refunds will be made after July 1.

Audio Recordings with Slides

Fleetwood Onsite records audio and slides for most sessions, and the recordings can be purchased individually or at a discount for the entire conference. The prices are listed below for the complete package of recordings. (Individual recording can be purchased only through the Fleetwood website.)

For more details about these recording and how the audio is synchronized with the slides, see the AUDIO RECORDINGS item under the PROGRAM tab.

If you are not registering for the conference but want to purchase the package of audio recordings, go to the Not Attending Registration page.


Registrant Type
Early Online
(through May 9)
Regular Online
(May 10 through July 20)
On Site
(during conference)
After the Conference
(via Fleetwood website)
Full Conference Registrant $185 $185 $215 $285
Daily Registrant
or Non-Registrant
$285 $285 $285 $285
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On-Site Registration & Check-In Hours

On-site check-in, where you pick up your badge (required for attendance at most Conference functions) and other materials, will be open during the following hours. Those who have not preregistered online may register during these hours as well.

Saturday (July 27) 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Sunday (July 28) 7:30 am - 8:00 pm
Monday - Thursday (July 29 to August 1)    7:30 am - 5:00 pm
Friday (August 2) 8:00 am - 10:00 am
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