39th IAJGS International Conference
on Jewish Genealogy

With Local Host

The Jewish Genealogy Society of Cleveland



Latest News

  • Ordering Fleetwood Recordings (12 August 2019): Now that the conference is over, the recordings can no longer be ordered through the registration system. Instead, go directly to the Fleetwood website at fleetwood.iajgs2019.org.

  • Online Registration Is Closed (21 July 2019): Online registration is now closed. Walk-in registration at the Conference is available.

  • Fleetwood Recording Information (19 July 2019): We have created a listing of the speaker presentations at the Conference that will be part of the Fleetwood recordings. The PDF file can be viewed and/or downloaded HERE. Remember that the price for the recordings will be higher at the Conference and even higher after the Conference.

  • Registration Closes on July 20! (15 July 2019): The registration system here will close down automatically at the end of the day on Saturday, July 20. After that, no meal changes can be made, no additional meal events may be purchased, and the meal voucher can no longer be used. Onsite registration is possible but more expensive.

  • Conference App Released! (5 July 2019): The conference app is now ready for use by those who are registered as full (primary or spouse/partner), daily, or student attendee. You should have received an email message with login instructions and other information, including a link to a webinar about the app. NOTE: The password is not your conference password. You must use the password in the email message.

  • Waiting List for Hotel Rooms (25 June 2019): All Hilton hotel rooms are currently booked. However, there are always many last-minute cancellations. Therefore, we are setting up a Waiting List for transferring rooms from those who no longer need them to those who want them. See the Waiting List page for details.

  • Changes in Meal Options (21 June 2019): Two changes correct accidental omissions in the registration form. Boxed lunches are now available on Sunday, and there is a kosher option for “Breakfasts with the Experts”. Everyone registered for the Conference as of June 21 was sent a personal message about this with important details; please write to Jay@iajgs2019.org if you did not receive that message (some bounced).

  • Educators Program Now Open to All (7 June 2019): The special one-day Educators Program had initially been open only to professional educators. It has now been opened to anyone who would like to learn how to get young people interested in family history (and history in general). Note: it requires a separate registration and payment of a separate fee. It is not included with a Conference registration.

  • Cemetery Tours (27 May 2019): We are pleased to announce that the Conference will offer tours of Cleveland-area cemeteries. See the CEMETERY TOURS item under the PROGRAM tab for information. If you would be interested in one of the tours, it is important, as explained on that page, to begin the research to determine which cemeteries you would want included in the tours.

  • Overflow Hotels: As our room block at the Conference hotel has reached capacity, the Hilton has several times added more rooms to the block. However, the hotel is now fully booked on some nights during the conference. Therefore, we are beginning to announce overflow hotels. See the Overflow Hotels item under the HOTEL/TRAVEL tab.

  • Meal Items Added: All of the meal items have been added to the Conference registration form. If you have already registered and want to add these items, log into the Attendee Service Center using the email address under which you registered and the password that was sent to you. If you have not yet registered, go to New Registration. For detailed instructions on how to update your registration, see HERE.

  • Program Schedule Posted to Website (23 April 2019): The program schedule is now available under the PROGRAM tab. There will probably continue to be some minor adjustments—to correct mistakes and resolve conflicts. Because the program came out later than we had hoped, we have also extended the deadline for early-bird discounts to the end of the day on Thursday, May 9.

  • Educators' Program: We are pleased to announce a special Program for Jewish Educators on the opening day of the conference. Registration for that program is now open.

  • Speaker Acceptances and Rejections: Everyone who submitted a proposal to speak or lead a computer workshop at the conference has now been notified whether the proposal has been accepted or rejected. If for some reason you have not received such a message, please send a note to program@iajgs2019.org. If your presentation was accepted, please follow the instructions in the message to confirm that you will present the talk. The deadline is April 10. We need to announce the program very soon after that date so that people can decide to register before the early-bird cutoff of April 30.

  • Registration: Registration for the Conference is now open. See the various pages under the REGISTRATION tab. Begin by reading the Overview page, which has all the details about registration, including the fees. Note in particular the Mandatory Meal Voucher, which is new this year.

  • New Pages: Several new web pages have been added to the site. Under the FAQ/INFO tab there is an extensive FAQ page with many Frequently Asked Questions and their answers. There are also two pages with tourist information (Sightseeing and Restaurants) and a page about Religious Services. Under the ABOUT tab there are three pages (Conference Hosts, Press & Media Information, and Short URLs).


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