Conference Organizers

Table of Contents



Conference Chairs

The Conference Co-Chairs are Ken Bravo and Jay Sage. They can be reached together at or individually at and, respectively.

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The conference treasurer is Doug Cohen. He can be reached at

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Registration Chair

The registration chair is Paul Wolf. If you have questions about or problems with registration, please write to

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The webmaster is Jay Sage. He can be reached at

If you notice any issue with a page on this site, please let him know. To make it easy, there is usually a link at the bottom of each page that will generate a message to him with the subject line already filled in with the name of the page.

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Program Committee

The Program Committee chair is Chuck Weinstein. He can be reached at Emily Garber and Stewart Hoicowitz serve on the committee.

As the Conference program evolves, information will appear under the "Program" tab on the website.

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Digital & Print Media Chair

Judi Missel manages digital and print media for the Conference, including the program schedule on the website, the app, and the Daily Planner. She also helps with technical issues involving speakers. She can be contacted at the following addresses depending on the issue:,

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The publicity chair is Sandy Golden. Questions from the media should be directed to her at

Information for members of the press, such as press releases, will be available under the ABOUT menu tab in the Press Information item.

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Lauri Burkons is our official Conference photographer.

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Facebook Group Moderator

The Facebook Group moderator is Amy Wachs. She can be reached at

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Discussion List Moderator

The moderator of the conference Discussion List is Jay Sage. For issues concerning the list, he can be contacted at

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Exhibit Hall

Fran Golden is the contact person for those interested in having a table in the Exhibit Hall. Questions should be directed to her at

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Resources Acquisition

Jan Meisels Allen is in charge of making the arrangements for the resources that will be available in the Resource Room. She can be reached at

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Resource Room

The Resource Room volunteers are being organized by Cynthia Spikell, who can be reached at

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Cemetery Tours

Helen Wolf is in charge of arranging the Cemetery Tours. She can be reached at

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Overall Volunteers Coordinators

If you are ready to help with the huge number of activities during the conference (e.g., stuffing materials into registration bags or as a door monitor or ticket-taker) please write to our volunteer co-chairs Barbara Gross and Muriel Weber at

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Hospitality Desk

The Hospitality Desk is being coordinated by Murray Berkowitz.

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For the third year, the Mentoring Program is asking speakers at the Conference to hold “office hours” at which they provide one-on-one or small-group mentoring. Gil Bardige is chairing this effort. He can be reached at

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Shelley Pollero is organizing the volunteer translators. If you can help, please contact her at

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Roommates Coordinator

The Roommates Coordinator is Heidi Urich. If you need assistance in finding someone to share your hotel room with you or in finding someone with a hotel room who is looking for a roommate, please write to

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Minyan Services

The Minyan Services are being organized by Elliot Greene. He can be reached at

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© 2025

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