Fleetwood Audio Recordings with PowerPoint Slides

Table of Contents

A Problem and Its Solution

The IAJGS conferences—with as many as seven lecture presentations taking place in each time slot—pose a real problem for attendees: we cannot “sit with one tuchas at two weddings.” It is bound to happen that we really want to hear at least two talks that are being given at the same time. Which one do we go to, and which ones do we miss?

And, of course, the problem is even worse for those who wish they could attend the conference but cannot for one reason or another.

Fortunately, there is a solution! As at previous conferences in the U.S., the superb Fleetwood audio recordings will be offered. Most of the recordings have a high quality audio track synchronized with a video track showing images of the presenters' slides. (In some ways, the experience is better than being there!)

The recordings consist of MP3 audio and MP4 video files. They are delivered on a USB flash drive (or optionally a DVD-ROM). Since you have the actual files (as opposed to streaming over the Internet), there is no time limit for accessing them.

The order form, which can be seen HERE, can be used to ascertain which talks are expected to be recorded and whether or not a synchronized video of the slides will be included. A spreadsheet listing, which is easier to read, can be viewed or downloaded HERE. NOTE: bear in mind that which talks are recorded is subject to change and is not guaranteed.

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Special Pre-Conference Pricing

Full conference registrants can pre-order the complete package, which contains recordings of the vast majority of the talks presented at the conference, at a significant discount (see HERE). Orders can also be placed at the conference at a higher price and after the conference at a still higher price.

In addition to the complete package, individual talks can be ordered, both at the conference and later on the Fleetwood website (we will add the link here later once the page has been created). There is no special pricing for individual orders, only for the complete package.

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How to Purchase

The recordings are available at the special price to conference registrants via the Conference Registration Form. On the page for “Conference Registration Fees” (page 3) there is a section at the very bottom called “Additional Purchases” with the “Fleetwood Audio Recordings Add-On”.

If you are not registering for the conference but want to purchase the package of audio recordings (at the full price), go to the Not Attending Registration page to place your order.

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When You Will Receive Them

After the conference, it takes several weeks to edit and prepare the complete collection of recordings for production, after which advance orders will be shipped to customers.

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How the Recordings Work

This is how the recordings are used.

Home Page

The data from Fleetwood is delivered on a memory stick. When the stick is loaded into a USB port on a computer, a home page opens in a web browser. All the recorded programs are listed in a table with the title, speaker(s), and the format of each talk (“Slides & Audio” or just “Audio”).

The top part of the home page is shown below for the recordings made at the Orlando conference. The full Fleetwood package for that conference comprised a total of 145 presentations, with the synchronized video of the slides included for all but 11 of them.

Home Page of Fleetwood Recording Set

Video Viewer

The titles of the presentations in the home page are links. Clicking on a title opens a video viewer that displays the slides and plays the audio. (When the speaker did not provide his slide file, the audio is heard without slide images.)

The image below is a capture of the screen 37 seconds into the 61-minute presentation about RootsMagic by Bruce Buzbee. The image shows the slide that was present on the screen at that point in the original talk.

Sample of a Fleetwood Recording

The video player includes a number of controls. At the bottom right corner is an icon that switches the player into full-screen mode. To its left is an audio volume control. At the bottom left corner is an icon that starts and pauses the playback. The slider at the bottom can be used to skip forward and backward (for example, to repeat something that was just heard).

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