Speaker Handouts

Speaker Handouts

Session Code
Session Title select
1141 The Past in the Present: How the Polish Partitions Shape Jewish Heritage Work Today
1226 The Lithuanian Shtetl of Šeduva - a Case Study in Restoring Memory
1051 What Should be the Main Question in Genealogy Research? The Story of a Goldfinch
1186 Moldovan Archives: What Information We Can Find in Addition to Vital Records and Revision Lists
1018 OnDe! DNA Successes In - and Despite of - Endogamy
1076 OnDe! Jewish Medical Globetrotters and Persevering Women
1269 $$$ Computer Workshop: Integrating Information from Different Sources to Build Map Applications
1126 Letters from a Lost World: From Lithuania to America and Back
1179 Charting: A Graphic Display of Data
1114 Preserving Photos, Scanning, and Digital Backup
1292 OnDe! Not All Your Family Died in the Holocaust
1365 Jewish Community In Challenging Times: Rare Archival Film Footage from Poland & Eastern Europe
1206 From Suwalki to Sweden: Jewish Migration and Integration, 1850-1920
1007 A Forgotten Land: Growing up in the Jewish Pale
1116 All Roads Lead to Eretz Israel
1257 Archives from Romanian Moldavia: Sources for Jewish Genealogical and Demographic Studies
1023 Rural Jewish Families in Ashkenazi Area in 1700-1800´s and Their Academic Descendants Today
1364 Worldwide Privacy Regulations Restricting Access to Genealogical Records
1306 $$$ Computer Workshop: Making the Most of FamilySearch for Jewish Research
1201 OnDe! Dark Tourism meets Destination Culture: The Evolution of Jewish Heritage Travel
1273 A Hungarian Holocaust Journey: A Daughter's Search for Family
1068 Documenting the Vilna Ghetto Library
1216 Galicia Basics: What Every Galitzianer Needs to Know
1150 GenealogyIndexer.org: Searching Historical Directories, Yizkor Books, and More
1004 Using Family Newsletters as a Genealogical Tool
1163 OnDe! Fragments that Remained: The Search for My Grandparents and their Courageous Fight for Freedom
1044 New York Cemetery Research Using JGSNY's Burial Societies Database
1058 Polish Pronunciation for Genealogists
1173 Researching your Galitzianer Family: Working with Vital Records
1260 Fields of Glass: Tracing the Lives of the Glasmans of Gniewoszow
1182 OnDe! Meet the Family: A Journey of a Thousand Years at POLIN Museum: The JGSLA - Pamela Weisberger Memorial Lecture
1220 Buried Treasures in 19th Century: Hardly Known Files of Genealogical Significance in German Archives
1109 Jewish Military Burials in Italy for WWII
1197 $$$ Computer Workshop: Making the Most of IGRA Resources
1069 OnDe! Researching Your Litvak Ancestors
1327 OnDe! When it Takes a Village: Applying Cluster Research Techniques
1193 Hungarian Jewish Research Overview
1389 OnDe! Beit Hatfutsot Database Online – New Developments
1152 OnDe! The Changing Borders of Eastern Europe
1282 $$$ Computer Workshop: Jewish Records Indexing-Poland Computer Workshop
1268 Search List from the Kovenskiye Gubernskiye Vedomosti as a Genealogical Research Source
1055 Using Pre-1826 Polish Parish Records in Jewish Research
1065 OnDe! The History of the Joint in Poland and What We Have to Offer Jewish Genealogists
1140 Pulling Stories Out of Silence: Uncovering my Hidden Jewish-Polish Heritage
2002 $$$ Litvak SIG Luncheon
1369 Collecting Information from Polish Books and Newspapers Using Traditional and Digital Libraries
1082 Some Sephardic Families in the 17th - 20th Centuries Central America: Looking for my Ancestor Leon Melgar
1026 From DP Camps to the US and Back to Europe
1075 Ketubot of the 19th Century Portuguese Jewish City of Tunis
1203 The Jews of Lublin from 17th to 18th century - Genealogy in Early Municipal Records
1138 From Shtetl to the Tropics: The Relevant Contribution of Polish Jewish Immigration to Brazil
1288 Jewish Life and Demographic Processes in the Jewry of a Hungarian County
1286 Using the New Jewish-Heritage-Europe Website: New Look, New Features for this Key Jewish Heritage Portal
1247 A Warsaw Jew Deported to Auschwitz from France - Found in the French Archives
1196 Accuracy of Hungarian Jewish and Civil Vital Registers and Late Notes
1162 The Partisan Song Project and Genealogy - Inspiring and Connecting a New Generation
1164 Vital Records from the Former Prussian Provinces of Posen and Silesia
1041 OnDe! The 1784 Grand Duchy of Lithuania Census Records: Finding your Pre-Shtetl and Family Name Origins
1225 The Soloveychik Family from Raseiniai: Financiers, Merchants, Clerks, Doctors and Rebels
1122 FILM: A Shtetl in the Caribbean
1181 Polish Jews in Western French-Speaking European Countries: How to Research Them
1159 Why Did Our Jewish Ancestors Leave a Great Place Like the Pale?
1352 OnDe! Researching Jewish Families for the Unfamiliar
1342 Polish Declarations of Admiration and Friendship for the United States
1210 The Hirschfeld Family from Raczki, Poland
1046 Arthur Szyk: Historical Shaping of a Polish Artist
1242 Creating a Scottish Holocaust-era Study Centre - Jewish refugees in Scotland in 1930s and 1940s
1066 What's New in Austrian and Czech Jewish Genealogy?
1339 OnDe! We Were Here Together - Bylismy tu razem
1011 Shtetlach in Lithuania: Krekenava, Surviliskis, Seredzius, Cekiskis, Krakes
1104 Book of Residents of Kozienice, 1934-1948
1022 Between the Front Lines: Jews in Britain and the First World War
1266 Gute Apetit - On Jewish Names and Jewish Food
1204 Jewish Shtetl in Moldova without Jews: How Can the Jewish Past Be Remembered?
1049 Evidence Analysis: Which Is The Right Record?
1054 Books of Residents and Other Valuable Polish Resources
1265 Reclaiming Przysucha: A Hassidic Center of Personal Self-Examination, Change, and Renewal
1370 Reconstructing Rutners: Tracing a Family through Changing Borders & Languages
1005 OnDe! I Know Absolutely Nothing! Ethnographic Know-How of Interviewing Elderly People about Difficult Topics
1205 Jewish Cemeteries in Bessarabia/Moldova: Current Status and Future Projects
1147 Matzeva (Tombstone) Reading Guidance
1198 The Abandoned Baby Girl in Krosno Streets is My Cousin - Discovering Maria's Identity
1207 Did My Great Great Grandfather Really Have Three Wives? Roots in Slovakia and Hungary
1175 The Trip of a Lifetime: Refugees Find Safe Haven via Japan
1110 Unique Surname Gives Insight into the History, Adoption, and Regulation of Jewish Surnames: Poland, Galicia
1238 Where are the Oldest Gravestones? Exploration Progress of the Cemetery in 1600-1800´s
1328 From Where Came the Holocaust Victims of France? Extended Klarsfeld Memorial as Online Searchable Database
1267 Giro D'Italia - A Genealogical Tour of Jewish Italy
1218 OnDe! Family History of Fear and Secrets: My Story
1010 Autograph Book Translation Promotes Research into Polish Jewish Youth Movements and Education of Female Youth
1128 OnDe! Leaders of Dialogue: Preservation of Jewish Memory in Poland by Non-Jewish Local Activists
1079 OnDe! Poland's Jewish Orphans: Researching the History of Jewish Child Welfare
1297 Wagrowiec: Time Regained, Exploring Jewish History of a Small Town
1283 Documenting the Life and Death of an Eastern European Shtetl - Research Sources for Genealogists
1020 Joachim Popper 1722-1795 and His Sisters and their Descendants in Bohemia
1331 The Shoah Journey of 228 Girls from their Homes in 14 European Countries
1129 OnDe! School of Dialogue: Students as Custodians of Jewish Memory in Former Shtetls
1350 International Institute for Jewish Genealogy (IIJG) Looks to the Future
1145 What Can Voiceless Items Tell Us? Their Benefits and Advantages in Genealogical Research
1392 Learning Our Craft: Online Opportunities for Improving Our Research Skills
1221 Buried Treasures in 20th Century: Hardly Known Files of Genealogical Significance in German Archives
1084 Destiny of a Doctor in Poland: Research in Archives and on the Internet
1029 Giving a Face to the Fallen
1078 Polish, Yiddish, and Hebrew: Jewish Life in Krakow
1171 The Short Lives of the Lodsch/Lódz Ghetto Children
1217 Back From the Polish and Litvak Diaspora: Virtual Journeys That Connect Us To Our Roots.
1176 Landsmanshaftn: A Key for Hometown Research
1108 The Jewish Cemetery at Pisa
1233 Tracing Family Networks in Austro-Hungary: From Mosciska to Vienna and to Sheffield
1261 Back to Russia! East End Jews and The Anglo-Russian Military Convention 1917
1214 Faces to Victims: Using Genealogy Research to Reconnect Holocaust Survivors with Their Past
1021 Who Murdered Ryfka Spinner? Genealogy through Old Newspapers from Galicia
1200 They Left No Footprint: A Personal Story of Memory and Fear of Forgetting
1255 When a Jew Loved a Goy: Forbidden Love and Its Consequences for a Genealogical Research
1191 Location, Location, Location: Using Historical Maps to Find Your Ancestral Towns in Eastern Europe
1014 Polish Jews In Australia in the 19th Century - My Ancestor's Experience
1071 In the DP Camp, A Child Is Born
1174 Did You Know Your Grandfather was a Twin? And Other Questions I've Asked My Mother
1325 Documenting Cemeteries Around the World

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