LitvakSIG Lunch

The speaker for the LitvakSIG luncheon on Tuesday, August 7, will be Russ Maurer. His presentation is titled “Exciting New Records Initiative for LitvakSIG”.

LitvakSIG is embarking on a new records initiative of a scope unprecedented in the 20 year history of the organization. Although work has been quietly underway for some months, this occasion will be the first public announcement of the initiative. The speaker, who is a member of the board and serves LitvakSIG as Coordinator of Records Acquisition and Translation, will share information about the initiative, including the nature of the records, the genealogical information they contain, the region and time period covered, and plans for distribution of the data as the work progresses.

This initiative will be of personal interest to anyone with relatives who lived in—or even just visited—Vilnius in the interwar years.

If you have already registered for the Conference, go to the Attendee Service Center under the REGISTRATION tab. Sign in with the email address you used for registration and the password from your confirmation message. On the Welcome page, click “Update Your Info”, then click “Edit” and continue through the registration form. On the Meal Events page, make your selections and continue through to payment and confirmation.

If you’ve already signed up for the luncheon, please get in touch with our colleagues who may not have done so and urge them to join us at the Conference, and at the luncheon, too.

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