JRI-Poland Lunch

On behalf of the Board of Directors of JRI-Poland, I am pleased to announce that the speaker at the JRI-Poland Luncheon at the 38th IAJGS International Conference on Jewish Genealogy will be the Mayor of Ciechanowiec, Poland, Miroslaw Reczko. The luncheon will take place at 12:00 pm on Monday, August 6.

Dr. Miroslaw Reczko received an MA from the University of Detroit and a PhD at the University of Bialystok. He authored “The Soviet Murder near Zabludow on June 23, 1941” and “Polish-Jewish Relations in the Ciechanowiec Region during World War II”. Miroslaw directed the renovation of a Ciechanowiec synagogue and the preservation of Jewish tombstones. He erected a memorial plaque to remember the 4,000 Holocaust victims from Ciechanowiec, Zareby, and Czyzew. Miroslaw currently is involved in translating the Ciechanowiec Yizkor Book into English and Polish.

The topic of his talk is “Time for Serious Research into What Occurred in Polish Shtetlach During WWII”. Miroslaw will explain that to have a full picture of what really happened in Polish shtetlach during WWII, we need to unite our efforts and create Jewish-Polish pairs of researchers who can share their knowledge about each shtetl. A more expansive description of Miroslaw’s lecture can be found on the program schedule.

Miroslaw will also be presenting on Tuesday, August 7 at 2:45 pm on the topic “Jewish-Polish Relations in the Southern Bialystok Region from 1939-1941”.

If you are registered for the Conference, come and join the JRI-Poland team, have a good Kosher lunch, and listen to Miroslaw’s intriguing talk. Go to the Attendee Service Center under the REGISTRATION tab and add the JRI-Poland Luncheon on Monday, August 6.

On behalf of the Board of JRI-Poland
Mark Halpern

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