Discussion List

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Purpose of List

The Warsaw 2018 Discussion List invites you to ask questions or to carry on discussions related to the conference. It is also used to announce information about the conference. The list is moderated, which means that messages are screened by a moderator to block spam and inappropriate messages. Only those who are subscribed to the list can submit postings; postings from non-subscribers are automatically rejected.

For those who prefer to communicate via Facebook, see here.

Posting Rules

  1. Only subscribers to the list may post messages.
  2. Messages posted to the list must deal with issues related to the conference.
  3. Please do not ask about matters that—at the appropriate time—will be announced on the website. For example, do not ask about hotel reservations before the hotel tab appears on the site or about the program schedule before it has been added to the site.
  4. When previously posted messages are quoted, the quoted material should be limited to the minimum amount necessary to provide context for the current posting. In particular, messages that quote entire digests will be rejected immediately.
  5. Make sure that the subject line properly reflects the content of the message.
  6. Messages that deal with matters that have already been covered in past messages or add little new information may be rejected. People who join the list should peruse the archive of past messages.

Joining and Using the List

For information about the list, please visit the web page at lists.iajgs2018.org/mailman/listinfo/discuss. It includes instructions on

When you join the list, you will receive a message with the following subject line: Welcome to the “discuss” mailing list. It contains important information—including your password—for managing your subscription. If you lose that message, you can click on the following link. It will take you to a page on which you can enter your email address and click the “Remind” button near the bottom of the page to have the information sent to you again.


You can contact the list moderator by writing to moderator@iajgs2018.org.

To submit a message to the list, address it to discuss@iajgs2018.org.

Digest-Mode vs Non-Digest Mode

Please read this section, especially if you signed up for digest mode and are having problems seeing the messages.

The discussion list supports two ways to receive messages. We recommend the non-digest (individual-message) mode. This is the default choice. You will receive each message that is posted as a separate message with a title indicating the subject of that message. The message will have your address in the TO field and the list address in the CC field. The subject line will have the tag “[Warsaw-Discuss]” added to the actual subject as a way to identify the message as a list message. (If you know how to use mail filters, you can use that tag or the address in the CC field to create a filter to move the list messages automatically into a folder.)

Getting individual messages makes it easy to identify the subject matter, both when the message arrives and when you are searching for an old message that you saved. They also make it easier to maintain the subject when replying. However, note that by default a reply will go only to the person who submitted the original message. If you want to share your response with everyone on the list, change the TO address to discuss@iajgs2018.org. Or, if your email software offers a “Reply to List” button in addition to the “Reply” button, you may also use that button to reply to the list.

Digest-mode messages are sent as a bundle of the day’s messages compiled into a single message. The subject line will be of the form “discuss Digest, Vol X, Issue Y” and will not give any indication of the subject matter of the messages. This list probably will not have very many messages each day—often no more than one—so digest mode will not substantially reduce the total number of messages you receive.

As with individual messages, digest messages will have your personal address in the TO field. The list address will be in the REPLY TO field. However, if you do reply to the whole list, please be sure to update the subject line to reflect the actual subject, and do not quote the entire digest. Messages with excessive quotations or inappropriate subject lines will be rejected by the moderator.

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