Exhibitor Registration


Welcome to the 2023 HECC Exhibitor registration. Before getting started, you will need a 50 word or less description of your company and your company logo in .png or .jpg format.

Registration is a two-part process:

1) The first step is to register your company, primary contact, booth size and/or sponsorship, and payment. Your registration will be in a pending state until final approval of your registration.

2) After approval, you will receive an email with login information for our Exhibitor Service Center where you can register your booth workers, meal selection, update company information and etc.

In order to guarantee your booth space during registration, a minimum 20% deposit will need to be made with a credit card. The balance will need to be paid within 30 days by check or credit card in order to keep your reserved booth space. After 30 days, space will no longer be reserved. Once the balance is paid, you will be able to select a new booth space.

If you are required to pay by check only, your booth space is not guaranteed and needs to be paid within 30 days. After 30 days, space will no longer be reserved. Once the balance is paid, you will be able to select a new booth space.