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Speaker's Name
Abdul-Ganiyu, Rashida
Andersen, Michelle
Anderson, Natoshia
Arjunan, Uma
Armfield, Shannon
Arnold-McFarland, Antonia
Augustin, Madeline
Barnes, Karyta
Batres, Heidi
Bowen, Sara
Bowens, Victoria
Boyd, Melanie
Boykin, Jennifer
Brown, Alena
Bryant, Kiesha
Burkette, Christine
Campbell, Renieal
Carroll, Jenise
Christian, Sondia
Cline, Stacey
Collier, Alexis
Coons-Wallace, Patricia
Croft, Jennifer
Cutts - Washington, Keysha
Cyrille, Zalenda
Davis, Lisa
Davis, Rhonda
Douglas, Tatemya
Drummond, Kelly
Dunn, Kristine
Elledge, Cleotha
Farida, Gina
Farmer, Charlotte
Ferguson, Nathanya
Ferraro, Shadane
Flaherty, Melissa
Francis-Jones, LaKindra
Frech, Todd
Gardner-Ince, Michelle
Garrett, Deneen L.
Gaskins, Whitney
Gonzalez, Andie Lee
Gray, Tamika
Ha, Brandon
Hale, Nakhesha A.
Harts, Minda
Henley, Dr. Nicole
Hirsch, Brooke
Hollingsworth, Teresa
Horne, Kisha
Humphrey, Reggie
Hurst, Kwan
Jaitpal, Smurti
Jean-Baptiste, Sharon
Jimenez, Jilma
Jock, Christopher
Johnson, LaQuasha
Jolivette, Kathleen
Jones, Dr. Aria
Jones, Stephanie
Justice, Ceah
Keels, Nicolas
Khan, Nader
Kumar, Sowmya
Kumar, Suma
LaMaison-Bell, Denise
Lawson, Shaneka
Leake, Autumn
Louis, Nadine
Luengo, Laura
Machi, Priya
McCullough, Brianna
Miller, Cynthia
Miller, Terry
Miranda, Joanne
Monae`, Erika
Nalla, Jhansi
Nash, Marilyn
Norris, Kendall
Pathak, Yagna
Peek, Angela
Plaza Rodriguez, Nayomi
Portacio, Gonzalo
Rainey, Kesha
Raju, Priya
Richardson, Jenna
Richardson, Sandra
Ristic, Cari-Lynn
Robinson, Sierra
Sassi, Abir
Scalley, Tamara
Silva, Asima
Simmons, Mary
Singh, Sumandeep
Subramanian, Shoba
Taborn, Tyrone
Thorpe, Maria
Toussaint, Jacqueline
Upah, Christina
Vilani, Jessica
Wallace, Scyatta
Watson, Erika
Watson, Sharon
West, Stacy
Williams, Dana
Williams, Dominique
Williams, Kelly
Williams, Rita
Willis, Ronesha
Wright, Dakeesha
Young, Alisa
Ziegler, Ella
Zimmermann, Maj. Erika
Session Date
October 12, 2023
October 13, 2023
October 14, 2023
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Thursday, October 12
Session Title
12:00 PM - 6:00 PM
WOC Registration
Renaissance Foyer East
Detroit Marriott
1:00 PM - 1:50 PM
Women in FinTech Startups: Pioneers in Reshaping the Financial Industry
Michelle Gardner-Ince
Dana Williams
WOC I - Detroit Marriott
1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
The Industrial Internet, Digital Twins, and the Metaverse
Heidi Batres
Tyrone Taborn
WOC I - Detroit Marriott
2:00 PM - 2:50 PM
The Changing Faces in FinTech: Embracing Technology for Growth
Shadane Ferraro
Christine Burkette
WOC I - Detroit Marriott
3:00 PM - 3:50 PM
Your People, Your Technology & Your Processes: Creating Excellent Financial Reports
Angela Peek
Todd Frech
Christine Burkette
WOC I - Detroit Marriott
3:00 PM - 4:15 PM
Interview Skills That Get You Hired!
Shoba Subramanian
Cynthia Miller
WOC I - Detroit Marriott
4:00 PM - 4:50 PM
The Glass Ceiling Is Still There! Elevating Women to Financial Leadership Roles
Sumandeep Singh
Michelle Gardner-Ince
Sondia Christian
WOC I - Detroit Marriott
4:30 PM - 5:45 PM
Let’s Get That JOB: Job Search Skills and Strategies That Lead You to the "Best Fit" Opportunity
Rashida Abdul-Ganiyu
Natoshia Anderson
Erika Monae`
Asima Silva
WOC I - Detroit Marriott
5:00 PM - 6:30 PM
WOC Welcome Reception
Ambassador Ballroom (Salon 3)
Detroit Marriott
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Women Empowered to Engage
Laura Luengo
Charlotte Farmer
Kathleen Jolivette
Christine Burkette
Jessica Vilani
WOC I - Detroit Marriott
8:30 PM - 11:59 PM
STEMulating Lounge
Ambassador Ballroom (Salon 3)
Detroit Marriott
Friday, October 13
Session Title
8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
WOC Registration
Renaissance Foyer East
Detroit Marriott
8:15 AM - 9:30 AM
"All You Can Be"; Achieving Your Professional Goals Presented by The U.S. Army Presented by The U.S. Army
Room 250 A
Huntington Place
Building Resilience: Strategies for Managing Stress and Boosting Performance
Cari-Lynn Ristic
Kelly Williams
Kelly Drummond
Room 251 BC
WOC I - Huntington Place
First-Time Managers: Essential Strategies for a Successful Transition to Leadership
Dominique Williams
Gonzalo Portacio
Dr. Aria Jones
Room 250 BC
WOC I - Huntington Place
How Chat GPT and AI Will Impact the Workplace
Karyta Barnes
Priya Raju
Sowmya Kumar
Room 251 A
Huntington Place
Maximizing Talent Capital to Reimagine the Future of STEM Presented by General Motors
Cleotha Elledge
Priya Machi
Melissa Flaherty
Stephanie Jones
Michelle Andersen
Room 252 AB
Huntington Place
9:45 AM - 11:00 AM
Communication Strategies for Engaging Highly Sensitive People
Kendall Norris
Mary Simmons
Renieal Campbell
Room 250 BC
WOC I - Huntington Place
Managing Emotional Tension: Strategies for Navigating Personality Disagreements and Conflict in the Workplace
Angela Peek
Lisa Davis
Shannon Armfield
Room 251 BC
WOC I - Huntington Place
Real Talk: A Conversation on Breaking the Glass Ceiling! Presented by HII
Jennifer Boykin
Room 250 A
Huntington Place
Revolutionizing Business Continuity Through Digital Transformation
Laura Luengo
Jacqueline Toussaint
Natoshia Anderson
Room 251 A
Huntington Place
The Effects of Climate Change: Exciting Challenges for STEM Professionals Presented by the USDA Forest Service
Nayomi Plaza Rodriguez
Jennifer Croft
Shaneka Lawson
Teresa Hollingsworth
Tamara Scalley
Room 252 AB
Huntington Place
11:00 AM - 12:10 PM
Women of Color STEM Café
Ambassador Ballroom (Salon 1)
Detroit Marriott
12:15 PM - 1:30 PM
DEI Ambassadors: Making a Diverse Workplace a Reality
Victoria Bowens
Cynthia Miller
Antonia Arnold-McFarland
Reggie Humphrey
Room 251 A
Huntington Place
Introverts as Leaders: Harnessing Quiet Power for Leadership Success
Ronesha Willis
Brooke Hirsch
Gina Farida
Room 250 BC
WOC I - Huntington Place
JobMatch | X-treme Resumes: Constructing a Stellar Resume
Ella Ziegler
Lisa Davis
Melanie Boyd
Room 250 A
Huntington Place
Speak Up and Stand Out: Assertiveness Skills for Women in the Workplace
Sandra Richardson
Nader Khan
Shadane Ferraro
Joanne Miranda
Room 251 BC
WOC I - Huntington Place
Stay strong, sis! --- A discussion on resiliency and surviving the obstacles faced by women of color in corporate America Presented by Jacobs
Alexis Collier
Denise LaMaison-Bell
Jilma Jimenez
Sharon Jean-Baptiste
Room 252 AB
Huntington Place
1:45 PM - 3:00 PM
Effectively Managing Gen Z and Millennial Employees: Engaging and Motivating Younger Workforces
Keysha Cutts - Washington
Stacey Cline
Kisha Horne
Room 250 BC
WOC I - Huntington Place
Embracing Neurodiversity in the Workplace: Unlocking a Diverse Talent Pool
Erika Watson
Stacy West
Room 251 A
Huntington Place
Mock Interviews
Nicolas Keels
Room 250 A
Huntington Place
Resilience: How to Use Our Life Lessons to Build Resilience for Sustained Performance Presented by Google
Dr. Nicole Henley
Room 252 AB
Huntington Place
Zero Trust and Data Security
Uma Arjunan
Sierra Robinson
Autumn Leake
Room 251 BC
WOC I - Huntington Place
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Technology Recognition Event
Grand Riverview Ballroom
WOC I - Huntington Place
5:15 PM - 6:30 PM
Mental Health Awareness: Helping the Next Generation of the Workforce
Cleotha Elledge
Suma Kumar
Terry Miller
Cadillac AB
Detroit Marriott
5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Amazon Networking Suite
Detroit Marriott
Google Networking Suite
Detroit Marriott
5:30 PM - 9:00 PM
Walmart Networking Suite
Detroit Marriott
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Pre-Professionals Talking It Out!
Shadane Ferraro
Cadillac AB
Detroit Marriott
7:30 PM - 9:00 PM
Woman to Woman: Up Close and Personal
Ambassador Ballroom (Salon 3)
Detroit Marriott
Saturday, October 14
Session Title
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
WOC Registration
Renaissance Foyer East
Detroit Marriott
8:15 AM - 10:00 AM
Leaders and Legends Recognition Event
Grand Riverview Ballroom
WOC I - Huntington Place
10:00 AM - 11:15 AM
Authenticity: Embracing Your True Self as a Leader
Patricia Coons-Wallace
Andie Lee Gonzalez
Sondia Christian
Room 250 BC
WOC I - Huntington Place
Improvising With Confidence: Learning to Speak Eloquently Under Pressure
Angela Peek
Zalenda Cyrille
Todd Frech
Yagna Pathak
Room 251 BC
WOC I - Huntington Place
Lifeguarding your Career: Ride the Waves and Watch the Sharks Presented by The Boeing Company
Sara Bowen
Madeline Augustin
Christina Upah
Minda Harts
Room 252 AB
Huntington Place
Managing Emerging Technologies in the Workplace Presented by Amazon
Room 250 A
Huntington Place
Mental Health in the Era of Diversity and Inclusion
Tamika Gray
Nadine Louis
Rhonda Davis
Brianna McCullough
Room 251 A
Huntington Place
10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Resume Writing Room
Exhibit Hall E 1
Huntington Place
Career Fair
Exhibit Hall E 1
WOC II - Huntington Place
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Campus Coordinator Appreciation Session
Cadillac AB
Detroit Marriott
11:30 AM - 12:45 PM
Having Our Say: The Influence of a Black Woman at the Table Presented by RTX
Ceah Justice
Dakeesha Wright
LaQuasha Johnson
LaKindra Francis-Jones
Room 250 A
Huntington Place
Keep the Fire Burning: Connecting Values, Identity, and Passion to Avoid Burnout Learning
Scyatta Wallace
Sondia Christian
Jhansi Nalla
Room 251 A
Huntington Place
The Golden Rules for Achieving Your Goals and Finding Happiness
Abir Sassi
Jenna Richardson
Kesha Rainey
Room 251 BC
WOC I - Huntington Place
Women in Leadership: Enhancing Confidence, Communication, and Negotiation Skills
Whitney Gaskins
Maria Thorpe
Brooke Hirsch
Alena Brown
Room 250 BC
WOC I - Huntington Place
2:00 PM - 3:15 PM
Leadership Beyond Titles: Harnessing Influence and Inspiration
Maj. Erika Zimmermann
Michelle Gardner-Ince
Smurti Jaitpal
Room 250 BC
WOC I - Huntington Place
Power Up Your Performance: Essential Skills for Non-Managers
Sandra Richardson
Shadane Ferraro
Kristine Dunn
Room 251 BC
WOC I - Huntington Place
’Windows and Mirrors’ in Federal Spaces: Reflections of Career Success at NOAA and the USPTO
Sharon Watson
Alisa Young
Rita Williams
Nathanya Ferguson
Kiesha Bryant
Marilyn Nash
Room 252 AB
Huntington Place
3:30 PM - 4:45 PM
Empowering Others to Excel: Mastering the Art of Coaching and Team Building
Jenise Carroll
Todd Frech
Kwan Hurst
Room 250 BC
WOC I - Huntington Place
Technology Trends Every STEM Manager Should Know
Christopher Jock
Tatemya Douglas
Brandon Ha
Room 251 A
Huntington Place
Unleashing Your Authentic Voice: Building Confidence and Discovering Your True Self
Zalenda Cyrille
Deneen L. Garrett
Nakhesha A. Hale
Room 251 BC
WOC I - Huntington Place
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Women of Color Awards Ceremony
Grand Riverview Ballroom
WOC I - Huntington Place
9:00 PM - 11:59 PM
Women of Color Awards Closing Reception
Grand Riverview Ballroom Foyer
Huntington Place
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