CCG JobMatch Program
This is a comprehensive training and placement solution for STEM students. When you attend any of our conferences, you may participate in an intensive two-day training program, which certifies your readiness for the workplace. We continue to support your placement needs with the following:
- Matching your credentials with employers
- Arranging interviews at our conferences or at an employer’s facility
- Advocating on your behalf to secure a placement
CCG JobMatch Job Readiness Certification
This program offers extensive soft skills training that leads to full certification. When you complete this program, we arrange interviews at either of our conferences for you. Additionally, we work with you and potential employers to advocate on your behalf.
See How it Works
Course Catalog
CCG eLearning
DIEL JobMatch Schedule
(Recommended for: Freshmen, Sophomores ); For Students staying in hotel only.
Thursday, October 3
- Arrival
- Hotel Check-in
- Opening Reception
- General Session
Friday, October 4
Breakfast Orientation
Jobs Certification Session with Lunch
Jobs Certification Session
Networking Receptions
Interviewing Skills Session
Saturday, October 5
Jobs Readiness Certification Session with Breakfast
Career Fair/Lunch Break
Jobs Certification Session
WOC Awards Gala & Dinner