Saturday, Feb 17, 2024
Saturday, Feb 17, 2024
2:30 PM - 3:45 PM EST
Put Me In Coach! Coaching for Effective People Managers
Learning Objective: Examine methods for developing your employees
Being a people manager can be exciting, but also a bit overwhelming. What makes great people managers work-place ready to lead and succeed is learning how to apply tools and strategies to those unique management situations. Manager coaching skills are the soft skills managers may use to help coach their team members. Coaching involves motivating team members and providing guidance to help them achieve their individual goals. Management positions often involve coaching others. For example, a manager may use coaching techniques to train employees for new positions or inspire them to reach a specific performance goal. In this session, our panel will talk through real-life challenges and solutions to help you become more effective people managers.
At the end of this session, participants will be able to:
Discuss what kind of leader you want to be and frame your leadership style.
Explore team cultures and how to cultivate an inclusive workplace.
Examine methods to retain employees, build your team’s engagement and effectiveness through trust, motivation, and psychological safety.
Practice giving feedback and having critical conversations.
Assessed ECG SES Standards: 2.3 (Developing Others); 2.4 (Team Building); 4.3 (Technology Management)
Deneen L. Garrett
Keysha Cutts
Markeeva Morgan
Rojan Robotham
Location: Room 307, BEYA World I - Baltimore Convention Center
Session Code: 2146
Location: Room 307, BEYA World I - Baltimore Convention Center
Session Code: 2146
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