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Welcome to the 2021 BEYA STEM Digital Conference!


As we navigate our expanding frontier, Career Communications Group (CCG) has established two "BEYA Worlds" to meet your needs in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). Our goal is to host an event as close to the in-person experience as possible. BEYA35 will leverage several technologies to bring the digital twin of the BEYA experience to the STEM community.

BEYA World I

BEYA World I is the central hub. All recognition events, networking, seminars, training workshops, and the STEMulating Lounge, which was introduced at BEYA34 take place here. Attendees can register to access BEYA World I via a one-day pass or an all-access pass. These passes will also allow you to move between the BEYA Worlds. 


BEYA World II is the center for STEM recruitment and pipeline development. BEYA World II gives you access to recruiters, activities associated with K-12 pipeline development and the HBCU Engineering programs. BEYA World II hosts the Exhibit Hall, Interview Village, The Historically Black Colleges and University (HBCU) Village, and the K-12 STEM Village. Each village has its lobby, which offers access to activities and the Exhibit Hall. BEYA World II is open to the BEYA Community and their families at no cost.


The BEYA World I platform is a customized product built for CCG with advanced features to support our awards programs and education sessions. The BEYA World II platform provider is vFairs, a leading virtual events platform. Our BEYA worlds support Zoom and other Zoom-like tools for webinars and other video-conferencing activities.

We highly recommend using the tools we provide, which keep attendees on-platform, and more importantly, track your performance data. Platforms require updated browsers and reliable internet access for the best experience.

Download the Attendee Guide for more information!