Early Bird Before December 15, 2018
Standard January 25, 2019
Late Registration January 26, 2019

The Pre-College Experience


The BEYA Pre-College Program has been an integral part of the conference since its’ inception. We’ve partnered with organizations such as the Maryland Mathematics, Engineering, and Science Achievement (MESA) program, various school districts, and the Patriots Technology Training Center to present programs for middle school and high school students at the conference.


The workshops and activities have been valuable tools in helping to fill the STEM pipeline and have greatly benefited students by granting them exposure to STEM employers and professionals as well as providing the opportunity to meet with colleges and universities.


The Program


Welcome/General Session

Hot Careers in STEM, Presented by MD MESA/ Southwest Academy Magnet School

Financial Aid 101: How to Afford College and Achieve Your Dreams

Math Moves U, Presented by Raytheon Company
Getting Accepted: Mastering the College Admission Process

Putting a Spin on STEM: The Importance of Soft Skills, Presented by Huntington Ingalls Industries

SAT Prep – Winning Test Taking Strategies

Roundtable/ Mentoring Sessions for High School Juniors & Seniors

Studying Cyber Security: Safeguarding Democracy and Securing Employment

Presentation by The Boeing Company

Career/College Fair


How to Participate

Please contact us to participate in the BEYA Pre-College program. Participation is limited to groups of students chaperoned by adults.














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