Early Bird Before December 31, 2017
Standard January 27, 2018
Late Registration January 28, 2018

Schedule at-a Glance

---Subject to Change---
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SEMINAR: BEYA 2738 Corporate Seminar Presented by Aerotek
 Thursday, February 8
7:00 AM - 7:00 PM    Registration
1:00 PM - 2:15 PM    SEMINAR: BEYA 2426 Success Stories: HBCU Partnerships with Majority Institutions

In an increasing flat federal research funding environment, strategic partnerships are imperative for any higher education institution. Partnerships foster opportunities for interdisciplinary collaborations, faculty and student research expression, and most importantly combined capacities leading to larger and long-term grants and cooperative agreements.  The focus of this seminar is to hear how these consortia are progressing and could set the stage for wider conversations about benefits and opportunities for future collaborations among our HBCUs and Majority Institutions.

Learning Objective/Take Away: Participants will be informed of the status of current research partnerships with majority universities, and the benefits of partnerships to compete for research funding.

At the end of this seminar, participants will be able to: 

a. Understand the value of collaborating with Majority Institutions in developing joint research proposals for sponsored funding.

b. Developing partnership opportunities on the horizon.

c. Managing institutional partnerships – best practices.

1:00 PM - 2:15 PM    SEMINAR: BEYA 2427 Technology Commercialization & Economic Development: Taking HBCU/MSI Research to the Marketplace

Higher Education Institutions (HIEs), particularly research institutions, are increasingly expected to play a role in the economic development of their regions.  As corporations have down-sized or eliminated their central research and development functions, they are increasingly turning to universities to undertake basic and applied search. In addition, regional governments envision start-up companies emerging from university sponsored research.  This seminar features a series of speakers who will describe programs in their regions which involve their HIEs, and the important role and opportunities for HBCUs/MSIs in the area of technology commercialization.

Learning Objective/Take Away: Participants will have a greater awareness and understanding of technology commercialization and the opportunities that await their institutions.

At the end of this seminar, participants will be able to:

a. The role of technology commercialization and HIEs and importance for HBCUs/MSIs.

b. Exposed to success stories in technology commercialization from various regions.

c. Federal and state opportunities for technology commercialization.

1:00 PM - 2:15 PM    SEMINAR: BEYA 2436 The Business of Cybersecurity: Impacting Information Management (Protecting Industry from Al-Qaeda, Hackers, Non-State Actors, ISIS

Cybersecurity is the whole of technologies, processes and practices designed to protect networks, computers, programs and data from attack, damage or unauthorized access. This seminar will focus on making attendees familiar with information security management.
At the end of this seminar, participants will understand:
    a.    The Governance of cyber security including the mission, roles and responsibilities of the governance function, the strategic planning process and your role in the organization’s strategic planning effort.
    b.    How effective information security policy is created and used.
    c.    Risk management and the risk management process.
    d.    Certain laws and ethical issues impacting information security in the organization.
    e.    Common information security management practices such as benchmarking and performance measures.


2:30 PM - 3:45 PM    SEMINAR: BEYA 2437 Data Storage: Devices, Security Accessibility (Tools of Terrorist Organizations, Al Qaeda, ISIS, Al -Shabaab, to transmit data)

The Data Storage Course is designed to help learn more about the world of information technology (IT) and give broad understanding of storage technology. The class is ideal for individuals with interest in the expansion of single user or implementation of network storage capability. The course identifies various storage devices, security, and methods of accessibility.

At the end of this seminar, the participants will be able to:

  1. Identify and explain basic storage devices
  2. Set up storage devices
  3. Conduct basic software installation
  4. Establish basic network connectivity
  5. Identify compatibility issues
  6. Identify/prevent basic security risks
  7. Understand safety and preventative maintenance of devices

2:30 PM - 3:45 PM    SEMINAR: BEYA 2428 Expanding from Research Grants to Large Research Contracts

HBCUs have traditionally relied on grant vehicles to fund sponsored research. Research contracts provide larger, multi-year funding opportunities, and change the slope for building research capacity. Research contracts allows an institution to balance its research portfolio between basic, and applied research.  However, the pre-award and post-award ‘tempo’ for attracting, winning, and overseeing research contracts, requires a very different strategy and management approach over grants. This seminar discusses the how, why, and what for HBCUs to successfully obtain and retain research contracts from a panel of contract experts.

Learning Objective/Take Away: Participants will understand the challenges, opportunities, and infrastructure needed to attract and manage research contracts.

At the end of this seminar, participants will be able to:

a. Contracts vs. grants --- what is the best for your institution?

2:30 PM - 3:45 PM    SEMINAR: BEYA 2429 Federal Research Funding Opportunities for HBCU for GFY2018

This session will feature program managers/officers from Federal agencies to share upcoming funding opportunities. Included will be both program managers/officers from both civilian and defense agencies. This seminar will also include a discussion of the Government Fiscal Year 2018 (GFY18) Federal R&D budget.

Learning Objective/Take Away: Participants will understand agency-specific opportunities in the FY18 R&D Federal Budget.

5:00 PM - 5:30 PM    DIEL Orientation
5:30 PM - 7:00 PM    Alumni Welcome Reception*
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM    The BEYA Leading Voices*

The BEYA Hall of Innovation is the backdrop for An Evening with BEYA’s Leading Voices, where the circle of dynamic opinion and editorial commentators in the new US Black Engineer and Information Technology magazine section comes to life. Experts present thought-provoking, innovative concepts to mark the opening of the BEYA Hall of Innovation. We also honor the contributions of 14 STEM Innovators and recognize the members of the CCG Hall of Fame, past Black Engineer of the Year Award (BEYA) winners who have gone beyond the call of duty in providing inspiration, motivation, and transformation in the lives of next-generation STEM leaders.

This event is an extension of the Alumni Welcome Reception.

 Friday, February 9
7:00 AM - 6:00 PM    Registration
8:45 AM - 10:00 AM    SEMINAR: BEYA 2118 Managing Combat: Turning Conflict into Collaboration

Learning Objective: Examine successful conflict management strategies for team building and successful project achievement

Effectively addressing workplace conflict is a beneficial means of bringing important issues to light, opening the lines of communication, and strengthening workplace relationships. Leaders that can embrace conflict are better able to build empathetic and stronger relationships, thereby attaining and experiencing grander personal and professional success. Managing conflict is a skill that takes practice and time to learn. Unmanaged struggles in the workplace can lower teamwork production, lessen cooperation, and reduce employee commitment to the project and company. Join us as we examine those emotional triggers that can lead to conflict and discuss how to effectively manage situations with diplomacy, tact, and authority.

At the end of this seminar, the participants will be able to:

a. Recognize triggers that lead to conflict in the workplace.
b. Construct strategies to help others remain calm during highly charged situations.
c. Build trust and credibility by dealing with difficult conversations calmly and assertively.
d. Influence potential conflict situations as opportunities for critical conversations that enhance work relationships.
e. Share best practices for approaching conflict management.

8:45 AM - 10:00 AM    SEMINAR: BEYA 2109 Nominating a Winner: Your Package is Your Candidate

Learning Objective: Explore the BEYA nominations process

Career Communications Group is committed to selecting and reviewing the most talented and accomplished leaders in STEM. Each year, our selection committee gets the opportunity to meet these candidates through nomination packages. We want to ensure that your candidate’s value, contributions, and talents are clearly expressed. This workshop will provide government, military, and corporate communities with a step-by-step review of designing a nomination package that conveys the greatness of your organization. As many of you know, becoming a BEYA winner is a highly respected honor that reflects appreciation and commitment to honoring service, diversity, and outstanding leadership.

At the end of the workshop, participants will:

a. Become familiar with the selection and award process.
b. Be able to identify best practices for recommendations.
c. Become familiar with the requirements for preparing a nomination package.
d. Learn where and how to access resources and support.

8:45 AM - 10:00 AM    SEMINAR: BEYA 2732 Does Gray Matter Really Matter? How knowledge Sharing Can Boost Your Career Presented by General Dynamics

This presentation highlights some of the challenges faced in maintaining a knowledgeable work force, and gives examples of how (and how not) to meet those challenges. Come and learn the strategies that employees at every stage of their career can implement to increase their knowledge, promote a culture where knowledge is valued, and boost their careers in the process.

8:45 AM - 10:00 AM    SEMINAR: BEYA 2733 No Hidden Figures Allowed: Changing the Landscape of Leadership Presented by The Raytheon Company

It’s a new day and the landscape of leadership is changing. Women are stepping out from behind the scenes and taking prominent seats at the table. Raytheon has such leaders in its midst and would like for you to hear their stories of success. This is an opportunity to engage a panel of phenomenal women who are strong leaders in a male dominated industry. They will share with you their leadership principles and experiences that have guided them along their career journey. Their journey consists of building meaningful relationships, being an authentic leader, knowing when to take risks and how to adjust to the ever-changing world of business. They will speak to the value of continuous learning and being able to adapt to a changing environment and sharing insight as to how to own your career.

This workshop will provide with you the opportunity to gain insight on the quality of leaders at Raytheon and to see how you can apply that insight into your own leadership style.

9:00 AM - 10:00 AM    BEYA Pre-College Registration
9:00 AM - 1:00 PM    SEMINAR: BEYA 2805 Job Ready Certification - Maximize Team Building Skills and Success

For most of us, teamwork is a part of everyday life. Whether it’s at home, in the community, or at work, we are often expected to be a functional part of a performing team. This workshop will encourage participants to explore the different aspects of a team, as well as ways that they can become a top-notch team performer.

At the end of this seminar, participants will be able to answer the following questions:

a. Why are teams key to productive work environments?
b. What are the four phases of the Tuckman team development model? How can knowing these characteristics help me on a team?
c. What are types of teams and how to utilize each type to get results?
d. What are essential behaviors of leaders and followers on well functioning teams?
e. What are the uses, benefits and disadvantages of various team-building activities?
f. What teambuilding exercises create bonds and when to use them?

9:45 AM - 10:45 AM    SEMINAR: BEYA 2910 Big Data Analytics & Cybersecurity - How Industry and Government are Using Technology to combat Al Qaeda, ISIS, Narco-terrorist

Cybersecurity professionals are being called upon to design and develop assured, secure computer systems and protect the world from devastating cyber-attacks. As our reliance on technology increases, the need to build innovative approaches to cyber security efforts becomes critical. The opportunities in this field are great since cyber security is a national priority. Join our panel of experts as we talk about managing cyber threats and ways to gain access to cyber security opportunities.

At the end of this seminar, participants will be able to:

  1. Identify required skills and areas in cyber security careers.
  2. Explore opportunities and challenges in cyber security.
  3. Examine critical success factors.
  4. Identify steps to take to work in cyber security

10:00 AM - 10:50 AM    SEMINAR: Pre-college Financial Aid 101: How to Afford College and Achieve Your Dreams

Learning Objective: Learn about the financial options that can help students to afford post-secondary education What do you want to be when you grow up? You’ve heard this question many times throughout elementary and secondary education. Yet achieving your dream career can be expensive. Don’t give up yet; there are many resources for financial aid available to help you afford your post-secondary education. Join us for this seminar to learn about the opportunities to help you achieve your dreams.

At the end of this seminar, participants will be able to:

    d.    Define what “financial aid is.
    e.    Explore the various sources of financial aid that are available for college education.
    f.    Discuss how colleges and other sources determine eligibility for aid.
    g.    Examine when, where, and how to apply for financial aid.
    h.    Explore other financial aid options, such as work study or student loans.

10:00 AM - 10:50 AM    SEMINAR: Pre-college Getting Accepted: Mastering the College Admission Process

Learning Objective: Discuss techniques for completing the college admission process
Getting into the college or university of your choice is competitive.

Applying to college can feel like a full-time job, especially if you are applying to multiple places with various requirements. There’s a lot of information to collect and to process, so make sure that you take care of the details. This seminar will discuss techniques for pre-planning, gathering info, and completing the college admission process.

At the end of this seminar, participants will be able to:

    a.    Discuss strategies for managing anxiety during the college testing and interview process.
    b.    Recognize how stress can affect their sleep, diet, and exercise.
    c.    Cope with peers, schoolwork, and home life during the application process.
    d.    Apply their own interests, values, and goals to the college decision-making process.


10:00 AM - 10:50 AM    SEMINAR: Pre-college Hot Jobs Series: Cyber Security - Safeguarding Democracy and Getting Paid!

Learning Objective: Discuss opportunities and trends in cyber security

Cyber security has become as important as locking your front door. We must protect and secure information. As our reliance on technology increases, the need to build innovative approaches to cyber security efforts becomes critical. The opportunities in this field are great since cyber security is a national priority. Join our panel of experts as we talk about managing cyber threats and ways to gain access to cyber security opportunities.

At the end of this seminar, participants will be able to:

  1. Identify required skills and areas in cyber security careers.
  2. Explore opportunities and challenges in cyber security.
  3. Examine critical success factors.
  4. Connect with successful cyber security professionals.
  5. Identify steps to take to work in cyber security

10:00 AM - 10:50 AM    SEMINAR: Pre-college MathMovesU (Raytheon Company)

Learning Objective: Create a greater awareness and appreciation for math through interactive competition

MathMovesU is an effort by Raytheon to have an ever-expanding family of unique initiatives and key partnerships to connect students, elementary through college, with science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) during this education crisis. Raytheon believes that tomorrow’s engineers and technologists need to be excited by and interested in math today. MathMovesU engages students with fun and dynamic content from virtual thrill rides, scholarships, and sponsorships to special events, interactive experiences, and national competitions. For the CCG Pre-College Program, the Raytheon team will involve the students with a fun and exciting math challenge competition in a Jeopardy-like format via student teams working brain teasers.

10:00 AM - 10:50 AM    SEMINAR: Pre-college Pathfinder: Virtual Space Edition (The Boeing Company)

In this fun activity, students will learn the importance of computer science skills to program and navigate an app-enabled robot through a maze. The students will as a group receive a crash course in JavaScript programming and will then be divided into teams of 5. Teams will work together to complete the programming challenge and then demonstrate successful operation of the robot through the maze. This activity teaches the importance of effective communication, comprehension, and working together as a team to complete the challenge.

Virtual Reality Demo: In this activity, students will have a chance to briefly explore the International Space Station through Virtual Reality (VR) glasses. This activity should provide a glimpse into the capabilities of VR environments both in the classroom and at home.

After completing this activity, students should be able to:
    a.    Successfully execute a program in JavaScript programming language
    b.    Work and communicate effectively as a team
    c.    Understand the limitless possibilities to VR

10:00 AM - 10:50 AM    SEMINAR: Pre-college Putting a Spin on STEM: The Importance of Soft Skills (Huntington Ingalls Industries)

Learning Objective: The expected outcome of this activity is for participants to work in teams to plan, problem solve and assemble a LEGO® Top Spinner in a pre-determined time.

In this session, students will work together to find creative ways to collaborate and solve problems while understanding what healthy and productive competition is in a competitive environment. This session will focus on increasing and improving communication, understanding how to respond to last minute change, and understand the concept of diversity of thought and talent.

10:00 AM - 10:50 AM    SEMINAR: Pre-college Roundtable/ Mentoring Session (8 Tables / 8 Topics – Junior & Seniors)

College should be a time for exploration, learning, and self-discovery. Many college students will be affected by a number of issues during their college experience. These roundtable sessions are designed to help students avoid the negative effects of these issues.

  1. What You Should Be Doing Now to Get into College – Getting into college can be a daunting task, with fewer students getting accepted each year. And each year, the pressure on high school students increases. But with the right planning, you can reduce your stress while working to make sure that you do all that you can to get accepted.
  2. Coping with College Life – Going to college is a big step and a major transition in your life. Now you are responsible for everything, and there’s no one to look over your shoulder. This can make some students feel alone and can be a lot to handle. Fortunately, you don’t have to learn it all at once, and there is help available. Join us as we discuss resources and methods to navigate college.
  3. Adjusting to Life away from Home – Moving away from home to college takes a lot of preparation and planning. But for all your planning, you may not have planned on how to deal with homesickness. While being homesick can be a challenge, getting through it can be easier than you think.
  4. Coping with Cultural Differences in College – Leaving home and moving to college can be terrifying for new students, especially if you are far from the place where you grew up. You don’t have to live in fear though. Your college experience can be exciting and life changing. This session will give you advice on how to acclimate yourself to your new environment.
  5. Dressing Appropriately for College and Not High School – Packing and dressing for college means leaving the high school look behind. You want to look like an adult without conveying the high school image. So join this panel as we discuss what the well-dressed collegiate is wearing.
  6. Making Friends: Dealing with Social Anxiety – It’s a good bet that not all of your friends are going to attend the same college and take the same courses as you did in high school. College life is about learning about yourself and making new friends. Join us as we discuss techniques for making friends in college.
  7. Alone on the Range: Developing Self-Motivation Skills – To succeed in college, you need to consistently do your best. Staying motivated isn’t always easy when you have a lot of pressure on you. For anyone who has struggled with staying motivated, this session will give you advice on finding the right balance between school, work, and other activities.
  8. Time and Stress Management in Post-Secondary Education &ndas
10:00 AM - 10:50 AM    SEMINAR: Pre-college SAT Prep – Winning Test Taking Strategies

Learning Objective: Learn test-taking strategies to help you pass the SAT

The SAT is designed to assess students’ aptitude and knowledge in reading, writing, and math. Colleges and universities use the SAT to evaluate every applicant’s eligibility for admission. The higher a score on the SAT, the better their chance of getting accepted to the applied to college or university. Join us as we discuss proven tips, techniques, and strategies for improving your overall performance on the SAT.

At the end of this seminar, participants will be able to:

  1. Explore the various sections of the SAT.
  2. Examine strategies for staying focused and finishing on time.
  3. Discuss techniques for selecting the correct answers and eliminating incorrect answers.
  4. Explore techniques to reduce test anxiety.

10:00 AM - 10:50 AM    SEMINAR: Pre-college:Hands on Engineering in the 21st Century (MD MESA/ Southwest Academy Magnet School)

"Engineering Challenge"

In this challenge students will use tubes of newspaper to make a table that's at least eight inches tall and strong enough to hold a heavy book." Students will have to follow the design process to build a sturdy table (changing the shape to support as much weight as possible). Students must figure out ways to keep the table legs from buckling. Students will be able to build, test, evaluate and redesign, within a 35-minute time restraint.

10:15 AM - 11:30 AM    Seminar: BEYA 2315 Developing Innovative Ideas for Companies: The First Step in Entrepreneurship
10:15 AM - 11:30 AM    SEMINAR: BEYA 2734 Young, Gifted and Black Presented by Northrop Grumman Corporation

Northrop Grumman’s black engineers share their journey to engineering.

10:15 AM - 11:30 AM    SEMINAR: BEYA 2506 How Can We Measure the Value of Diversity in this Digital Age?

This seminar will provide insights on analytics-based assessments of workforce diversity and guide organizations on how analytics can provide a new ‘system of record’ for workforce diversity measurements and assessments. 

At the end of this seminar, participants will be able to:

a.     How analytics can provide a ‘single source of truth’ for workforce diversity metrics and assessments

b.     How workforce analytics can provide a conduit to organizational transformation

c.     How workforce analytics can support inclusion initiatives in global workforces

d.     How HR executives can message the strategic value of Diversity in the age of digital transformation


10:15 AM - 11:30 AM    SEMINAR: BEYA 2735 The Authenticity Paradox: Embracing the Concept of Adaptive Authenticity Presented by Lockheed Martin Corporation

Definitions of “authenticity” include “being true to one’s personality, spirit or character” and “being an original, not a copy.” Research tells us that leaders who are viewed as “authentic” are better able to motivate, influence and inspire others. In multicultural environments with constantly changing business needs, it can be a challenge to navigate the workplace in a way that enables you to thrive while also maintaining a strong sense of self. People of color may face even more of a challenge in this space, particularly if they may be one of the only minorities on their team or in their workplace. Hermania Ibiarra, author of “Think Like A Leader, Act Like A Leader,” proposes that we embrace the concept of “Adaptive Authenticity.” She recommends that we approach new roles and environments with an understanding that we are all works in progress that will evolve over time based on our roles and circumstances. She encourages us to resist the urge to label one’s evolution as being fake or disingenuous, but to freely experiment with different styles and approaches on our journey to become our most effective and best selves based on our circumstances.
As a result of this interactive workshop, participants will be able to:
    a.    Understand the concept of “Adaptive Authenticity” and how it can increase your effectiveness as a leader
    b.    Understand the benefits of experimenting with different leadership and communication styles
    c.    Learn how to adapt to changing environments without the burden of feeling like a “fake”

11:00 AM - 11:50 AM    SEMINAR: Pre-college Financial Aid 101: How to Afford College and Achieve Your Dreams

At the end of this seminar, participants will be able to:

    d.    Define what “financial aid is.
    e.    Explore the various sources of financial aid that are available for college education.
    f.    Discuss how colleges and other sources determine eligibility for aid.
    g.    Examine when, where, and how to apply for financial aid.
    h.    Explore other financial aid options, such as work study or student loans.

11:00 AM - 11:50 AM    SEMINAR: Pre-college Getting Accepted: Mastering the College Admission Process

Learning Objective: Discuss techniques for completing the college admission process
Getting into the college or university of your choice is competitive.

Applying to college can feel like a full-time job, especially if you are applying to multiple places with various requirements. There’s a lot of information to collect and to process, so make sure that you take care of the details. This seminar will discuss techniques for pre-planning, gathering info, and completing the college admission process.

At the end of this seminar, participants will be able to:

    a.    Discuss strategies for managing anxiety during the college testing and interview process.
    b.    Recognize how stress can affect their sleep, diet, and exercise.
    c.    Cope with peers, schoolwork, and home life during the application process.
    d.    Apply their own interests, values, and goals to the college decision-making process.

11:00 AM - 11:50 AM    SEMINAR: Pre-college Hot Jobs Series: Cyber Security - Safeguarding Democracy and Getting Paid!

Learning Objective: Discuss opportunities and trends in cyber security

Cyber security has become as important as locking your front door. We must protect and secure information. As our reliance on technology increases, the need to build innovative approaches to cyber security efforts becomes critical. The opportunities in this field are great since cyber security is a national priority. Join our panel of experts as we talk about managing cyber threats and ways to gain access to cyber security opportunities.

At the end of this seminar, participants will be able to:

  1. Identify required skills and areas in cyber security careers.
  2. Explore opportunities and challenges in cyber security.
  3. Examine critical success factors.
  4. Connect with successful cyber security professionals.
  5. Identify steps to take to work in cyber security

11:00 AM - 11:50 AM    SEMINAR: Pre-college MathMovesU (Raytheon Company)

Learning Objective: Create a greater awareness and appreciation for math through interactive competition

MathMovesU is an effort by Raytheon to have an ever-expanding family of unique initiatives and key partnerships to connect students, elementary through college, with science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) during this education crisis. Raytheon believes that tomorrow’s engineers and technologists need to be excited by and interested in math today. MathMovesU engages students with fun and dynamic content from virtual thrill rides, scholarships, and sponsorships to special events, interactive experiences, and national competitions. For the CCG Pre-College Program, the Raytheon team will involve the students with a fun and exciting math challenge competition in a Jeopardy-like format via student teams working brain teasers.

11:00 AM - 11:50 AM    SEMINAR: Pre-college Pathfinder: Virtual Space Edition (The Boeing Company)

In this fun activity, students will learn the importance of computer science skills to program and navigate an app-enabled robot through a maze. The students will as a group receive a crash course in JavaScript programming and will then be divided into teams of 5. Teams will work together to complete the programming challenge and then demonstrate successful operation of the robot through the maze. This activity teaches the importance of effective communication, comprehension, and working together as a team to complete the challenge.

Virtual Reality Demo: In this activity, students will have a chance to briefly explore the International Space Station through Virtual Reality (VR) glasses. This activity should provide a glimpse into the capabilities of VR environments both in the classroom and at home.

After completing this activity, students should be able to:

    a.    Successfully execute a program in JavaScript programming language
    b.    Work and communicate effectively as a team
    c.    Understand the limitless possibilities to VR

11:00 AM - 11:50 AM    SEMINAR: Pre-college Putting a Spin on STEM: The Importance of Soft Skills (Huntington Ingalls Industries)

Learning Objective: The expected outcome of this activity is for participants to work in teams to plan, problem solve and assemble a LEGO® Top Spinner in a pre-determined time.

In this session, students will work together to find creative ways to collaborate and solve problems while understanding what healthy and productive competition is in a competitive environment. This session will focus on increasing and improving communication, understanding how to respond to last minute change, and understand the concept of diversity of thought and talent.

11:00 AM - 11:50 AM    SEMINAR: Pre-college Roundtable/ Mentoring Session (8 Tables / 8 Topics – Junior & Seniors)

College should be a time for exploration, learning, and self-discovery. Many college students will be affected by a number of issues during their college experience. These roundtable sessions are designed to help students avoid the negative effects of these issues.

  1. What You Should Be Doing Now to Get into College – Getting into college can be a daunting task, with fewer students getting accepted each year. And each year, the pressure on high school students increases. But with the right planning, you can reduce your stress while working to make sure that you do all that you can to get accepted.
  2. Coping with College Life – Going to college is a big step and a major transition in your life. Now you are responsible for everything, and there’s no one to look over your shoulder. This can make some students feel alone and can be a lot to handle. Fortunately, you don’t have to learn it all at once, and there is help available. Join us as we discuss resources and methods to navigate college.
  3. Adjusting to Life away from Home – Moving away from home to college takes a lot of preparation and planning. But for all your planning, you may not have planned on how to deal with homesickness. While being homesick can be a challenge, getting through it can be easier than you think.
  4. Coping with Cultural Differences in College – Leaving home and moving to college can be terrifying for new students, especially if you are far from the place where you grew up. You don’t have to live in fear though. Your college experience can be exciting and life changing. This session will give you advice on how to acclimate yourself to your new environment.
  5. Dressing Appropriately for College and Not High School – Packing and dressing for college means leaving the high school look behind. You want to look like an adult without conveying the high school image. So join this panel as we discuss what the well-dressed collegiate is wearing.
  6. Making Friends: Dealing with Social Anxiety – It’s a good bet that not all of your friends are going to attend the same college and take the same courses as you did in high school. College life is about learning about yourself and making new friends. Join us as we discuss techniques for making friends in college.
  7. Alone on the Range: Developing Self-Motivation Skills – To succeed in college, you need to consistently do your best. Staying motivated isn’t always easy when you have a lot of pressure on you. For anyone who has struggled with staying motivated, this session will give you advice on finding the right balance between school, work, and other activities.
  8. Time and Stress Management in Post-Secondary Education &ndas
11:00 AM - 11:50 AM    SEMINAR: Pre-college SAT Prep – Winning Test Taking Strategies

Learning Objective: Learn test-taking strategies to help you pass the SAT

The SAT is designed to assess students’ aptitude and knowledge in reading, writing, and math. Colleges and universities use the SAT to evaluate every applicant’s eligibility for admission. The higher a score on the SAT, the better their chance of getting accepted to the applied to college or university. Join us as we discuss proven tips, techniques, and strategies for improving your overall performance on the SAT.

At the end of this seminar, participants will be able to:

  1. Explore the various sections of the SAT.
  2. Examine strategies for staying focused and finishing on time.
  3. Discuss techniques for selecting the correct answers and eliminating incorrect answers.
  4. Explore techniques to reduce test anxiety.

11:00 AM - 11:50 AM    SEMINAR: Pre-college:Hands on Engineering in the 21st Century (MD MESA/ Southwest Academy Magnet School)

"Engineering Challenge"

In this challenge students will use tubes of newspaper to make a table that's at least eight inches tall and strong enough to hold a heavy book." Students will have to follow the design process to build a sturdy table (changing the shape to support as much weight as possible). Students must figure out ways to keep the table legs from buckling. Students will be able to build, test, evaluate and redesign, within a 35-minute time restraint.

11:00 AM - 12:00 PM    SEMINAR: BEYA 2911 Engineering – How to be a part of Big Projects for the Next 25 years - (Rebuilding Puerto Rico and Houston, Texas)

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Federal Emergency Management Agency are innovative, transformative organizations providing engineering solutions to customers worldwide. The majority of our employees are civilian, who deliver positive impacts for today and tomorrow. Working at the Corps as a civilian employee means making a direct contribution to war fighters and their families, supporting overseas contingency operations, developing technology and systems that save the lives of soldiers and civilians, providing disaster relief, and protecting and enhancing the environment and the national economy. This is an exciting time to work for these agencies.

At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

a.     Discuss the professional challenges and opportunities that are available to those who work in the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers and FEMA

b.     Discuss the impact of natural disasters on critical infrastructure

c.     Discuss opportunities to rebuild after natural disasters

d.     Evaluate the benefits available to employees, such as education reimbursement and certificate programs.

e.     Develop leadership skills from both military leaders nationally and internationally.

f.      Build on a strong tradition of public service that extends back more than 200 years.

11:00 AM - 2:00 PM    Welcome/General Session Pre-College
11:00 AM - 3:00 PM    BEYA Career Fair*
12:00 PM - 12:50 PM    SEMINAR: Pre-college Candy Crush Tower Competition (Lockheed Martin Corporation)

Students will get exposure to both Civil Engineering (CE) and Mechanical Engineering (ME), as well as Architecture in this interactive team building competition. Teams will learn about physics and dynamics while in designing load bearing towers and how to handle design limitations and requirements.

12:00 PM - 12:50 PM    SEMINAR: Pre-college Financial Aid 101: How to Afford College and Achieve Your Dreams

At the end of this seminar, participants will be able to:

    d.    Define what “financial aid is.
    e.    Explore the various sources of financial aid that are available for college education.
    f.    Discuss how colleges and other sources determine eligibility for aid.
    g.    Examine when, where, and how to apply for financial aid.
    h.    Explore other financial aid options, such as work study or student loans.

12:00 PM - 12:50 PM    SEMINAR: Pre-college Hot Jobs Series: Cyber Security - Safeguarding Democracy and Getting Paid!

Learning Objective: Discuss opportunities and trends in cyber security

Cyber security has become as important as locking your front door. We must protect and secure information. As our reliance on technology increases, the need to build innovative approaches to cyber security efforts becomes critical. The opportunities in this field are great since cyber security is a national priority. Join our panel of experts as we talk about managing cyber threats and ways to gain access to cyber security opportunities.

At the end of this seminar, participants will be able to:

  1. Identify required skills and areas in cyber security careers.
  2. Explore opportunities and challenges in cyber security.
  3. Examine critical success factors.
  4. Connect with successful cyber security professionals.
  5. Identify steps to take to work in cyber security

12:00 PM - 12:50 PM    SEMINAR: Pre-college Pathfinder: Virtual Space Edition (The Boeing Company)

In this fun activity, students will learn the importance of computer science skills to program and navigate an app-enabled robot through a maze. The students will as a group receive a crash course in JavaScript programming and will then be divided into teams of 5. Teams will work together to complete the programming challenge and then demonstrate successful operation of the robot through the maze. This activity teaches the importance of effective communication, comprehension, and working together as a team to complete the challenge.

Virtual Reality Demo: In this activity, students will have a chance to briefly explore the International Space Station through Virtual Reality (VR) glasses. This activity should provide a glimpse into the capabilities of VR environments both in the classroom and at home.

After completing this activity, students should be able to:
    a.    Successfully execute a program in JavaScript programming language
    b.    Work and communicate effectively as a team
    c.    Understand the limitless possibilities to VR

12:00 PM - 12:50 PM    SEMINAR: Pre-college:Hands on Engineering in the 21st Century (MD MESA/ Southwest Academy Magnet School)

"Engineering Challenge"

In this challenge students will use tubes of newspaper to make a table that's at least eight inches tall and strong enough to hold a heavy book." Students will have to follow the design process to build a sturdy table (changing the shape to support as much weight as possible). Students must figure out ways to keep the table legs from buckling. Students will be able to build, test, evaluate and redesign, within a 35-minute time restraint.

12:00 PM - 2:00 PM    Technology Recognition Lunch*
12:15 PM - 1:15 PM    SEMINAR: BEYA 2912 Lateral Movement – Little Known Opportunities in Federal Three-Letter Agencies

Military personnel looking to find new jobs opportunities within the Federal 3 Letter Agencies are looking at the right time! New openings are outlining occupational opportunities for current employees, including pay incentives. The open professions can offer pay incentives in the areas of cyber security, counterintelligence and data networking. Lateral moves take research in order to follow the best opportune career path. Join the panel of top military leaders as they discuss new opportunities and requirements for making lateral moves and following your career path.

At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

a.    Discuss the opportunities for lateral movement in Federal agencies.

b.    Understand the challenges and requirements faced by military personnel when changes career positions.

c.    Examine essential skills to develop career pathways for successful career movements.

2:00 PM - 3:30 PM    SEMINAR: BEYA 2806.1 Job Ready Certification - Interview Success! Practical Approaches to Persuading the Recruiter

Learning Objective: Examine and practice the skillset of delivering a great interview

Job interviews are stressful enough without having to establish a positive and professional self-representation during the interview process. Recruiters are looking for the ideal candidate while you are trying to come across as friendly and trustworthy while explaining how you’re the perfect candidate, so practice makes perfect. The competition is tough, so it’s no wonder your confidence should be your focus. That’s why you need to be in this seminar. We will deliver practical, step-by-step, proven strategies and interview tips to help you build confidence, become persuasive, and walk into a room locked and loaded, ready to formulate impressive answers to common interview questions. Along with the answers and swagger to pull it off, we will give you the opportunity to perfect your skills before your interview. This session will begin with the knowledge of how to impress recruiters, while the second half will pull it all together in the practice mock interview sessions. Remember, practice makes perfect. You will have the opportunity to sit face to face with professional interviewers in order to prepare effectively for your real interviews.

At the end of this seminar, participants will be able to answer these questions:

a. What are the common interview questions and how do I prepare my answers?

b. What information do I need to know for every interview?
c. How do I answer difficult questions?
d. What are good questions to ask my interviewer?
e. How do I answer “So tell me about yourself’?
f. What do I do after the interview?
g. What are common interview mistakes?
h. What does my body language say about me?
i. What information do I need to know before I have my interview?
j. How can I ace my interview from beginning to end?
k. What can I do after the interview to gain an edge on the competition?

2:15 PM - 3:30 PM    SEMINAR: BEYA 2119 Vertical Leadership: Developing the Next Level of Leaders

Learning Objective: Examine methods for helping employees grow and developing new leaders

Change and development can be difficult for some people. For example, patients with heart disease who do not change their diet and exercise habits are more likely to live a shorter, more difficult life. We see the same pattern repeat itself with smart, ambitious managers who go to leadership development programs. These managers gather in a room, a trainer teaches them new tools and techniques for becoming a more effective leader, and yet they ignore what was taught. The participants commit to making changes, but upon returning to work, they follow the same habits as before. What’s the reason behind this? The good news is that there is a way to move forward and up, helping organizations to grow and focus on their leadership programs.

At the end of this seminar, participants will be able to:

a. Understand and define what “vertical development in leadership” is.
b. Focus more on employee development and less on content.
c. Make the development and the work inseparable.
d. Create strong developmental networks at work.
e. Make leadership development a process, not an event.

2:15 PM - 3:30 PM    SEMINAR: BEYA 2312 Licensure as a Professional Engineer - Its Value and the Steps to Take

Learning Objective: Examine the methods and reasoning for obtaining the Professional Engineer License

A professional engineer (P.E.) is a person who is licensed to practice engineering in a particular state or U.S. territory after meeting all the requirements of the law. This seminar will give you the information you need to obtain the Professional Licensure and an understanding of the responsibilities that must be fulfilled to keep it.

At the end of this seminar, participants will be able to:

a.     Understand the reasoning behind being a Licensed Professional Engineer.

b.     Identify the procedures for completing the Licensed Professional Engineer Registration Process.

c.     Identify the responsibilities for maintaining the Professional Engineer License.

2:15 PM - 3:30 PM    SEMINAR: BEYA 2430 The Future is Here: How Will the Digital Age Change My Career?

Will there be viable employment opportunities for STEM and other professionals’ if machines are utilized to provide more cognitive roles in society? Will the number of available jobs and careers decrease as a result of more machine dependency? How can the human workforce and machines coexist?

This seminar will address the growing trend of machine dependency and its impact on the professional global workforce. We will explore the current state of digital transformation and address the tougher questions involving future career opportunities and professional development strategies in the machine age. We will discuss the future outlook for the knowledge workforce and provide insights on how to prepare and take advantage of this age of digital transformation.

At the end of this seminar, participants will be able to:

    a.    The future impacts of digital transformation in the professional workplace
    b.    How to embrace the digital age of disruption and find professional opportunities for advancement
    c.    The current professional employment gaps and how to transition into a digital savvy professional
    d.    How to embrace artificial intelligence in the professional work environment
    e.    How to plan my professional development path to take advantage of digital transformation

2:15 PM - 3:30 PM    SEMINAR: BEYA 2431Active Learning Approach to Undergraduate Engineering Curriculum Presented by University of the District of Columbia

Active learning approaches require lots of time investment in student activities and engagement during the class period, which often leads to incomplete coverage of the course syllabus. Furthermore, it requires significant amount of time for the instructor to design and implement. To address these widely recognized inhibiting factors, we recently implemented a new student active learning approach, namely “student presentation-based active learning (SPAL)”. Under this approach, students are given a reading assignment to prepare a PowerPoint presentation on well-defined conceptual topics, questions, or chapter modules. Reading assignments on a topic are administered 1-2 weeks before covering them in the class. This allows reasonable time for the self-comprehension of the suggested material for presentation preparation. Students were expected to rehearse the presentation and be prepared to complete it in the suggested time duration. During each lecture, one group of students would present the assigned topic to the class, and their presentations were graded according to the rubric focusing on the coverage of suggested topics, quality of presentation, and after presentation discussions. Peers and instructor provided feedback about the students’ presentation and unclear concepts. To understand the efficacy of this approach, it was implemented in Mechanical Engineering Senior Capstone Project courses. Here the responses and insights garnered from this practice were presented, and discussion on the advantages and challenges associated with the adaptation of this approach in teaching engineering courses as compared to lecture based classroom education system.

2:15 PM - 3:30 PM    SEMINAR: BEYA 2913 Veterans Transition 4.0

There are many challenges that armed service enlisted men and women face in transitioning into civilian employment. Despite their significant soft and technical skills, veterans show significantly higher unemployment rates than their nonveteran counterparts. The vast majority of these transitioning service members are under 30 years old; the most unemployed segment of the labor force nationwide. The goal in addressing this issue is to close the gap between veteran and non-veteran hiring.

At the end of this seminar, participants will:

a.     Acknowledgement that there is no seamless path from military departure to civilian employment,

b.     Understanding of the key challenges that military members face while transitioning into the workplace.

c.     Discuss the values that veterans bring to the workplace.

d.     Produce practical steps that key stakeholders can take to create a smooth and functioning transition system.

3:45 PM - 5:00 PM    SEMINAR: BEYA 2120 Leading by the Numbers: On Budget, On Time, Every Time

Learning Objective: Learn strategies for successfully completing projects on time, under budget, and with employee satisfaction

The workplace is a living, breathing environment that is constantly changing. Economic and global decisions can have an effect on our jobs and the people that fill them in order to meet deadlines and projects on budget. Organizations and their managers are having to do more with less in the workplace. In this changing landscape, project success will be determined by creative, fast-paced collaboration and outside-of- the-box thinking that reveals results. Join us as we discuss creative strategies for achieving project success while satisfying employee engagement.

At the end of this seminar, participants will be able to:

a. Identify factors that influence project over-budget costs.
b. Outline and plan for a successful project.
c. Identify project life cycle risks, estimates, and cost components.
d. Share creative methods for achieving project success.

3:45 PM - 5:00 PM    SEMINAR: BEYA 2432 Advances in Polymer Composites at Southern University CREST Center (Presented by the Southern University and A&M College)

Southern University and A&M College in Baton Rouge (SU) established its Next Generation Composites CREST Center (NextGenC3) Phase I, which has been extended into Phase II, catalyzed by a unifying theme of multiscale and multifunctional composites and related technology development. With support from the National Science Foundation CREST program, Southern University and A&M College in Baton Rouge has been engaged in fundamental research on developing advanced polymer composites with capabilities to address varying technological needs and challenges in engineering applications. The increased use of composites in applications, such as automotive, naval, aerospace, energy generation, and transportation vehicles, where light weight, damage tolerance, and multi-functionality are major factors, highlights the need for such materials research. The facilities available in the SU CREST center, discussion of ongoing projects with industry, and dissemination of our research results would elucidate interest for potential collaborators in the scientific community as well as industry.

At the end of this session, participants will learn about:

    a.    Artificial muscle reinforced thermoset polymer composite with dynamic covalent network for structural scale damage healing
    b.    Synthesis, Characterization, and Modeling of Functionalized Carbon Nanomaterials for Multifunctional Composites
    c.    Smart Multi-Scale Porous Polymer Nanocomposite for Structural Applications through Additive Manufacturing

3:45 PM - 5:00 PM    SEMINAR: BEYA 2736 Executive Leadership Coaching Presented by Northrop Grumman Corporation

This seminar is designed to prepare future and current professionals to take their career to the next level. Participants will gain insights on how to project a more dynamic image and learn which qualities senior management expects and respects in a 21st century leader. Remember ...” What got you there, won’t keep you there.” These dynamic coaches will help participants understand the pitfalls as they start their careers, then climb higher and higher up their organization’s ladder. Our executive coaches will also discuss various ways to manage the challenges and expectations as a confident leader to increase your success.

3:45 PM - 5:00 PM    SEMINAR: BEYA 2737 The Generational Divide in the Workforce Presented by The Mitre Corporation

Learning Objective: Discover how to address generational differences to leverage each generation’s strength

Today’s workforce is comprised of four different generations: The Silent Generation, Baby Boomers, Generation X, and Generation Y. These generations are unique in the blend of the defining events that have shaped their lives, the values that they hold dear, and in the way they navigate their careers. Several studies have been conducted to provide a greater understanding into the differences and similarities of these generations. This interactive discussion will shed light on the generational divide to enable your organization to facilitate a greater interconnection across these generations and within organizations.

At the end of this seminar, participants will:

  1. Understand workplace generational differences and similarities
  2. Challenge stereotypes and explore truisms for each generation
  3. Identify methods to communicate and collaborate across generations

3:45 PM - 5:00 PM    SEMINAR: BEYA 2802 Job Ready Certification - Behavior and Business: Best Practices in Business Etiquette

Learning Objective: Examine and practice the skillset of delivering a great interview

Professionals understand that etiquette in business is a critical factor in making decisions. Success in any industry relies on relationships, whether with co-workers, clients, suppliers or investors. When you are well mannered and considerate in dealing with others, you create engaging, productive, long lasting relationships.

In this course, we will discuss accepted business behavior and their importance on business correspondence. 

By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to answer the following questions:

a. What is the definition of etiquette?
b. What are the guidelines to making effective introductions?
c. What are the 3C’s associated with making a good impression?
d. What are the three steps in giving a handshake?
e. What is one technique you can use to remember names?
f. What are two ways to minimize nervousness while in social situations?
g. What are two differences between a formal and an informal letter?
h. What color connotes dominance and power? Vitality and harmony?
i. Etiquette can help business improve in what 4 areas?
j. What is(are) the difference(s) between a formal and an informal letter?
k. What are the differences between these dress codes: dressy casual, semi-formal, formal and black tie?
l. What are the basic guidelines in international etiquette?


4:00 PM - 4:30 PM    Youth/Flag:General Session*
4:40 PM - 6:00 PM    Youth/Flag Mentoring Sessions*
5:30 PM - 6:00 PM    DIEL Orientation
5:30 PM - 7:00 PM    Stars & Stripes Dinner Check-in
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM    Student Leadership Awards Dinner & Business Etiquette Interactive Seminar*
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM    Stars & Stripes Pre-Dinner Reception*
7:00 PM - 9:30 PM    Stars & Stripes Dinner (Ticket Required)*
8:30 PM - 10:00 PM    SEMINAR: BEYA 2806.2 Job Ready Certification - Interview Success! Practical Approaches to Persuading the Recruiter

Learning Objective: Examine and practice the skillset of delivering a great interview

Job interviews are stressful enough without having to establish a positive and professional self-representation during the interview process. Recruiters are looking for the ideal candidate while you are trying to come across as friendly and trustworthy while explaining how you’re the perfect candidate, so practice makes perfect. The competition is tough, so it’s no wonder your confidence should be your focus. That’s why you need to be in this seminar. We will deliver practical, step-by-step, proven strategies and interview tips to help you build confidence, become persuasive, and walk into a room locked and loaded, ready to formulate impressive answers to common interview questions. Along with the answers and swagger to pull it off, we will give you the opportunity to perfect your skills before your interview. This session will begin with the knowledge of how to impress recruiters, while the second half will pull it all together in the practice mock interview sessions. Remember, practice makes perfect. You will have the opportunity to sit face to face with professional interviewers in order to prepare effectively for your real interviews.

At the end of this seminar, participants will be able to answer these questions:

a. What are the common interview questions and how do I prepare my answers?

b. What information do I need to know for every interview?
c. How do I answer difficult questions?
d. What are good questions to ask my interviewer?
e. How do I answer “So tell me about yourself’?
f. What do I do after the interview?
g. What are common interview mistakes?
h. What does my body language say about me?
i. What information do I need to know before I have my interview?
j. How can I ace my interview from beginning to end?
k. What can I do after the interview to gain an edge on the competition?

9:00 PM - 11:00 PM    Speed Networking*
9:00 PM - 11:00 PM    Speed Networking*
9:00 PM - 11:00 PM    Speed Networking*
9:00 PM - 11:00 PM    Speed Networking*
9:00 PM - 11:00 PM    Speed Networking*
 Saturday, February 10
7:00 AM - 4:00 PM    Registration
7:30 AM - 9:30 AM    HBCU Engineering Deans’ Power Breakfast*
8:30 AM - 12:30 PM    SEMINAR: BEYA 2800 Job Ready Certification - Innovative and Critical Thinking: Training Your Brain to Solve Problems and Create Solutions

Our ability to learn new ways to think is the power of human potential. We have to make choices about the types of thinking that we apply to a variety of different challenges. Critical Thinking is the act of examining a set of facts and analyzing and evaluating relevant information. We live in a knowledge based society, and the more critically you think the better your knowledge will be. Critical Thinking provides you with the skills to analyze and evaluate information so that you are able to obtain the greatest amount of knowledge from it. It provides the best chance of making the correct decision, and minimizes damages if a mistake does occur. Critical Thinking will lead to being a more rational and disciplined thinker. It will reduce your prejudice and bias, which will provide you a better understanding of your environment. This workshop will provide you the skills to evaluate, identify, and distinguish between relevant and irrelevant information. It will lead you to be more productive in your career, and provide a great skill in your everyday life. Lastly, critical thinking skills will support your capacity to be innovative. Once you fully understand what it is, you can begin exploring what could be.

By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to answer the following questions:

a. What is critical thinking?
b. How can I use nonlinear thinking strategies?
c. What does it mean for me to apply logic to situations?
d. How do I know when, how, and why to think critically about a challenge?
e. What skills allow be to better evaluate facts and data?
f. How will thinking differently effect my decision outcomes?
g. How can I challenge myself to see alternate perspectives?
h. How can I increase my problem solving abilities?

10:00 AM - 11:30 AM    SEMINAR: BEYA 2438 360 Degree of Wi-Fi: Learning Setup and Security to protect data in public spaces from Al-Qaeda, ISIS, and other terrorists

The 360 Wi-Fi Course is designed to help learn more about the world of information technology (IT) and give broad understanding of wireless technology. The class is ideal for those who show an interest in the implementation or upgrade of existing wireless infrastructure. The course identifies various devices and security for small wireless networks.

At the end of this seminar, the participants will be able to:
    a.    Identify and explain basic wireless devices
    b.    Set up wireless hardware
    c.    Conduct basic software installation
    d.    Establish basic network connectivity
    e.    Identify compatibility issues
    f.    Identify/prevent basic security risks
    g.    Understand safety and preventative maintenance of devices

10:00 AM - 11:15 AM    SEMINAR: BEYA 2620 X-treme Resumes – Constructing a Stellar Resume

Learning Objective: Examine the elements to constructing superior resumes

Having an efficient and strong resume will greatly improve your chances of landing that dream job and starting your career on the right foot. Creating the perfect resume takes practice and skill. You want to make sure that your resume stands out above the rest without overdoing it. How does one make sure that his or her resume is top notch and bullet proof? This seminar will give you the scoop on creating the standout resume that will get you your next interview. We will discuss tips such as determining what your resume’s purpose is, supporting your strengths, using appropriate keywords, the benefits of proofreading and bullet points, and proper font usage.

At the end of this seminar, participants will be able to:

a. Identify the purpose of a solidly effective resume.

b. Discern between good and bad resumes.

c. Analyze the resume factors that recruiters identify to disregard some resumes.

d. Identify the attributes of resumes that get on the interview schedule.

10:00 AM - 12:15 PM    SEMINAR: BEYA 2739 Change Makers Presented by The Boeing Company

This years’ topic ‘Change Makers’ affords our Boeing executive leadership the opportunity to share their views on setting the trend as ‘World Changers’ and ‘Change Agents’ in an global, economic and technological environment that is aerospace technology. Our executives will explore how one becomes a change agent in a highly structured 100 year old company that is big on process and consistency. The Boeing Company has been successful in being a US company that operates globally. But what leadership characteristics will it take to make it a global industrial champion, recognized by our partners, suppliers, competitors, and the market? Also making Boeing the global employer of choice attracting the best talent all over the world. Our leaders today must possess several key qualities in order to develop and grow the global workforce of the future, our future change agents. These change agents have the ability to lead change across large organizations, deeply understand the market and trends, systemically build capability at multiple levels, considers and integrates multiple points of view and redesigns practices for break-through results. What does it take to navigate in this environment and become celebrated for being a change agent versus being left behind and negatively affected by change.

10:00 AM - 4:00 PM    BEYA Career Fair*
10:15 AM - 11:15 AM    SEMINAR: BEYA 2316 Making Financial Success Happen - Make Your Dream a Reality

Learning Objective: Examine the methods that minorities can use for achieving financial success

A growing minority population presents opportunities for financial success. Financial success is about changing your perspective of how you look at wealth, how you grow it, how you maintain it, and how you preserve it. It first starts with getting vested into helping change the trajectory of your future. Wealth transfer is happening. So what can be done to deliver financial education and financial planning to minorities? How do we position ourselves to be a part of it and benefit from it? This seminar will help you to understand the behavioral pitfalls we fall into as a community; personal, social, and mental roadblocks to obtaining wealth; and how we are a part of that ride to investing.

At the end of this seminar, participants will be able to:

a. Recognize financial fundamentals to building wealth.
b. Identify the factors that lead to lower wealth accumulation among members of underrepresented groups.
c. Identify personal habits and values that can impact a strong financial future.
d. Create an action plan for achieving financial goals.

10:15 AM - 11:15 AM    SEMINAR: BEYA 2741 Presented by the CCG Alumni Association
11:30 AM - 12:45 PM    SEMINAR: BEYA 2617 Making More Minutes – Time Management for Pre-Professionals

Learning Objective: Develop time management skills for better organization and productivity

Students who’ve learned how to effectively manage time during high school are better prepared for the rigors of college study. Regardless of preparation, it takes time to adjust to college. Improve time management skills by setting and not deviating from goals. Even students who managed time well during high school often struggle when they begin college. Students are overwhelmed with large course loads, extracurricular activities, and other social activities. Although being in college can be overwhelming, it’s possible to complete everything that must be done in a timely and efficient manner. Developing time management and organizational skills is the key to working efficiently. The best way to better manage time is to develop daily schedules. Most organized people plan daily, weekly, and monthly tasks. This seminar will show you how to be self-motivated, leading to better organizational skills, productivity, and efficiency.

At the end of this seminar, participants will be able to:

a. Outline long-term goals and a plan to obtain them.
b. Obtain detailed plans for each day and how to deal with delays.
c. Break large projects down into several simpler projects.
d. Cultivate a flexible schedule.

11:30 AM - 1:30 PM    BEYA 2743 Lunch & Learn with Leidos*
11:30 AM - 1:30 PM    BEYA 2744 Lunch & Learn with JPMorgan Chase Co.*
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM    SEMINAR: BEYA 2439 Intro to Big Data Landscape: Creating Real World Solutions for industry/Homeland Security in response to Al Qaeda, ISIS, Al Shabob

Interested in increasing your knowledge of the Big Data landscape? This seminar is designed for those who are new to data science and interested in learning what is the Big Data Era. It is for those who want to understand and converse with the terminology and comprehend the fundamental concepts behind the problems, applications, and systems of big data. This session is will help you to start thinking about how Big Data might be useful in your business or career.

At the end of this seminar, participants will be able to:
    a.    Describe the Big Data landscape using examples of real world big data problems including people, organizations, and sensors.
    b.    Explain the V’s of Big Data (volume, velocity, variety, veracity, valence, and value) and how they impact data collection, monitoring, storage, analysis and reporting.
    c.    Get value out of Big Data to structure your analysis.
    d.    Identify what are/what are not big data problems and how to reformat big data problems into data science questions.

12:00 PM - 1:15 PM    SEMINAR: BEYA 2508 Leading in a Tech-Driven Environment: Is Your Leadership Style Holding You Back?

Learning Objective: Learn how to efficiently lead employees in a technology-driven world, define your personal leadership style, and develop your leadership skills to make better career choices.  

Leading others can be challenging and even more so in a tech-driven environment. These leaders see beyond the initial problem and look at the systems as a method for developing a solution. Today’s successful leaders must have both the ideas and the know-how to put these ideas into action by working collaboratively with others. We need leaders who can network on a larger scale, seize opportunities, and deliver financial profits while adding positive contributions to the corporate world.

At the end of this seminar, participants will be able to:

a. Recognize what traits are needed to be a successful leader in a tech-centered world.
b. Identify desirable strategies for leaders in a tech-driven environment.
c. Explore your own leadership style through conversations with your peers.
d. List ineffective habits and create a personal action plan.

1:30 PM - 3:00 PM    SEMINAR: BEYA 2740 Deans' Roundtable
1:45 PM - 3:00 PM    SEMINAR: BEYA 2308 Want a Security Clearance? This is what you need to know

Learning Objective: Examine the process of achieving a U.S. security clearance

As you create your master plan for success, consider the variety of tools needed to gain a competitive edge in your industry. By familiarizing yourself with the extensive U.S. security clearance process, you can begin to prepare and access opportunities that help you excel. This seminar will guide you through the processing of getting and keeping a U.S. security clearance. Further, we will explore the future and emerging career opportunities that require various clearance levels.

At the end of this seminar, participants will be able to:

a. Identify a series of career paths and associated tools to improve job marketability.
b. List a series of certification and association options.
c. Understand the security clearance process and associated misconceptions and mistakes.

1:45 PM - 3:00 PM    SEMINAR: BEYA 2619 Study Smart, Study Less – Improving Your Study Skills

Learning Objective: Assess methods for improving study skills

Learning to study effectively is a skill that benefits everyone, even the smartest in the class. When polled, most college students would agree that when they started college, they did not know how to properly study. Every person has their own unique method for studying and their own method for processing information. In this seminar, we will address preparatory study principles, such as setting goals, knowing your learning style, being an active reader, participating in study groups, organizing your notes and study materials, and writing drafts of papers, that can help all students improve their study skills and perform better.

At the end of this seminar, participants will be able to:

a. Identify the traits of successful studying candidates.
b. Generate methods for achieving successful studying habits.
c. Outline methods for implementing successful studying techniques

2:00 PM - 3:00 PM    SEMINAR: BEYA 2914 Lessons in Leadership – Looking Ahead at Army Challenges and Opportunities in 2018 (Leading in a Disruptive World)

Regardless of size, new technology and business models will always disrupt your business. For every disruptive winner there are several losers. The future is never certain and many new challenges will need to be faced with new approaches and new innovations. The next challenge is to adapt because disruption is here and so is your new leadership reality. Join our expert panel as we address future challenges for the Army and discover the opportunities in the coming years. 

At the end of this seminar, participants will:

a.     Discuss the critical issues facing army organizations.

b.     Contemplate industry models and foster disruptive leadership principles.

c.     Develop strategies on new methods to lead and guide others through uncertainty.

3:15 PM - 4:15 PM    SEMINAR: BEYA 2915 Lessons in Leadership – Entrepreneurship and Opportunities with the Army for new businesses and HBCUs

The military has always been at the forefront of technology and innovation while most HBCU R&D Departments are making huge strides in developing new ideas for the new millennia. Now that there are rich opportunities for fresh venture ideas, the need to develop such is more important than ever and the time to act on innovative business opportunities is increasingly vital.

At the end of this session, participants will be able to: 
    a. Identify entrepreneurial opportunities in the Army and the HBCUs.
    b. Augment your entrepreneurial mindset.
    c.  Analyze your strategic decision-making.
    d.  Design innovative business models for the present and future.

3:15 PM - 4:30 PM    SEMINAR: BEYA 2434 Impact of the European RoHS Legislation on the U.S. High Performance Electronics Industry Presented by Tuskegee University

In 2006 the European Union issued a Directive on the Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) which among other materials banned the use of lead in electronics. The Aerospace and Defense (A&D) industry in the US designs and manufactures products that carry more than three billion passengers worldwide on any given day as well as systems which are vital to our national security. In order to transition to lead-free electronics, the A&D industry demands careful analysis and research into the performance, reliability and safety of these materials in order to maintain public safety and assure our war-fighters’ mission is successful and safe. In this effort, the College of Engineering at Tuskegee University and the Boeing Company has teamed to understand some of the knowledge gaps that surround this new technology. Students at Tuskegee are undertaking an effort to understand the best use of conformal coatings to mitigate the risks these tin protrusions can cause in an electronic circuit. Also, Tuskegee is studying the effects tin whiskers may have on the ability of conformal coatings to protect Circuit Boards from corrosion.

3:15 PM - 4:30 PM    SEMINAR: BEYA 2435 Preventing the Modern-Day Bank Robbery Presented by JPMorgan Chase Co.
3:15 PM - 4:30 PM    SEMINAR: BEYA 2507 The Game Changer - How Team Sports Teach the Value of Diversity

Learning Objective: Examine the role of sports in teaching lessons on diversity

Sports can be the ultimate teacher of life’s lessons. Sports brings people together from various backgrounds, regions, and financial levels, and this is nowhere more prevalent than at high school and college athletics and even top sporting events like the Super Bowl, the World Series, the World Cup, or the Olympics. During these times, a culturally diverse community is created where people are free to share their culture with other people. In this microcosm of society, participation in sports can teach us volumes about diversity and the way we respond to it. Sports are learning laboratories where we can discover a setting to learn about each other’s values and bridge social divisions.

At the end of this seminar, participants will be able to:

a. Understand the role that participation in sports teaches about the human spirit, cultural differences, and teamwork.
b. Address the stereotypes of cultural differences and team ineffectiveness
c. Use sport analogies to build camaraderie and structure teams
d. Help teams focus on common and put aside individual differences.
e. How to apply lessons learned from sport teams working dynamics to everyday situations.

3:15 PM - 4:30 PM    SEMINAR: BEYA 2618 Mastering the Test – Winning Test Taking Strategies

Learning Objective: Investigate test-taking skills to achieve higher assessment scores

Being prepared for tests is not an easy process. Even if you are prepared, tests can still make you feel anxious. Why is being a good test taker so important in college? In colleges and universities, much of a student’s grades are based on quiz and test performance. Doing well on these tests is typically a major indicator on your subject matter knowledge and a good indicator of how you would perform in the workplace. Having good test scores will jumpstart your career. In this seminar, we will address testtaking and test preparation tips and strategies for college-level tests. Applying helpful test-taking and test preparation skills addressed in this seminar, such as writing down everything you remember, reading the directions, browsing the test questions, putting together a plan, and making an educated guess, will teach you how to prepare for and perform well on any test so that you feel confident that you’re bringing your testing A-game.

At the end of this seminar, participants will be able to:

a. Review the factors that limit achieving higher college assessment scores.
b. Identify practices for dealing with test anxiety.
c. Measure current test-taking methods’ validity.
d. Generate more efficient techniques for improving assessment scores.

3:15 PM - 4:30 PM    SEMINAR: BEYA 2742 How to Land a Government Job: NASA’s Resume Writing Workshop and Application Tips Presented by NASA

Applying for a position in the federal government might seem like a daunting task. Have no fear, NASA is here to show applicants how to; create a government formatted resume, enhance an existing resume, and navigate the application site, USA Jobs.gov. Individuals are encouraged to bring a copy of their resume to the workshop for one-on-one critiquing.


8:00 PM - 10:00 PM    BEYA Gala*
10:00 PM - 12:00 AM    Gala After-Party


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