Speaker Service Center

Speaker Service Center

Congratulations on being selected as a speaker for ATSSA's 2021 Convention & Traffic Expo. Each year, our community gathers to learn, network, and discover the latest industry best practices to improve roadway safety. 2021 will be special, as ATSSA transitions this event into an engaging, industry-leading virtual experience for the first time. Attendees will be seeking information on all the latest roadway safety infrastructure industry trends while staying connected in a virtual environment.

As a speaker and/or session moderator, there are some action items in the months ahead that require your attention. The Speaker Service Center (SSC) is your online portal to access resources, PowerPoint (PPT) templates, register, and more. Updates and additions related to the virtual aspect of the event are forthcoming, so please make sure to check back often.

You must use the login credentials provided to you via email to enter the SSC.

If you have questions please email Jessica Scheyder at jessica.scheyder@atssa.com.

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