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AI Showcase - A Deep Understanding Approach for Case Identification and Autocoding System of Cancer Pathology Reports for a Population Cancer Registry
Disease Progression Modeling Workbench 360
Identifying Traumatic Brain Injury in Females from Electronic Health Records: Considerations for Defining a Cohort
CycleGAN with Dynamic Criterion for Malaria Blood Cell Image Synthetization
Mining Medication Use Patterns from Clinical Notes for Breast Cancer Patients Through a Two-Stage Topic Modeling Approach
Measuring and Controlling Medical Record Abstraction Error Rates in an Observational Study
DaT3M: A Data Tracker for Multi-faceted Management of Multi-site Clinical Research Data Submission, Curation, Master Inventorying, and Sharing
EHR Data Quality Assessment Tools and Issue Reporting Workflows for the ‘All of Us’ Research Program Clinical Data Research Network
Neighborhood deprivation increases the risk of post-induction cesarean delivery
EHR-based Detection of Youth with Suicide-related Emergency Department Visits: Variation in Structured Data Indicators
Risk Prediction of Black Fungus in COVID-19 Survivors
Evaluating Comprehensiveness of the HL7® FHIR® Standard in Supporting Data Exchange in Clinical Research: A Pediatric Trial Network Use Case
Data Visualization to Optimize Red Cell Exchange Procedures in Sickle Cell Disease
Usability Testing the Hematology Patient Explorer and the Importance of Leveraging Multiple Usability Assessment Methodologies
AI Showcase - Emergency Department Wait Time Prediction based on Cyclical Features by Deep Neural Networks
Extracting Radiological Findings With Normalized Anatomical Information Using a Span-Based BERT Relation Extraction Model
Assessment of Data Quality Variability across Two EHR Systems through a Case Study of Post-Surgical Complications
Moving from predicting hospital deaths by antibiotic-resistant bloodstream bacteremia toward actionable risk reduction using machine learning on electronic health records
Student Paper Competition
W01: How to Effectively Negotiate the Professional and Personal Outcomes You Really Desire?
W02: Automated Identification of Guideline-driven Clinical Factors from EHR Notes
W03: Understanding, Applying and Sustaining Maturity in Biomedical Informatics
An Open-Source Toolkit for Enriching Patient Records with Social and Environmental Determinants of Health
Exploring the Readability of Ingredients Lists of Food Labels with Existing Metrics
A Privacy-Preserved Transfer Learning Concept to Predict Diabetic Kidney Disease at Out-of-Network Siloed Sites Using an In-Network Federated Model on Real-World Data
Using machine learning to predict the negative patient experience using the HCAHPS survey
Framework for Optimizing Air Ambulance Locations
Systematic comparison of phenomic profiles between All of Us Research Program and UK Biobank participants
“Please Advise”: Understanding the Needs of Informal Caregivers of People with Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementia from Online Communities Through a Structured Topic Modeling Approach
S01: Panel - How Distributed Clinical Observations Become Big-data COVID Research Publications Using the N3C
S02: Panel - Enabling Re-Use of Computational Phenotyping Algorithms
S03: Oral Presentation - Patients as Partners in their Healthcare Experience: ’Consumer’' and Patient Informatics
S04: Oral Presentation - Oh so many clinical sites! Informatics Approaches and Solutions to Multi-Site Challenges
Classification of Dementia and Mild Cognitive Impairment from Clinical Notes
Identification of Post-acute Sequelae of COVID-19 from Electronic Health Records
Evaluation of Apache cTAKES, MetaMap, and QuickUMLS for SDoH extraction from clinical narratives
Achieving Interoperability for Electronic Access of POLST Information
Risk Factor Assessment and Control for Patients with Diabetes and the Impact of Telemedicine Use
Estimating Inspiratory Capacity from Spirometry
Experiential Learning and Enterprise Data Warehouse for Research with the Iowa Health Data Resource
Machine learning on multivariate time-series clinical data for early prediction of prostate cancer metastasis
The Potential in Structured Process for Dysphagia Rehabilitation after Cerebrovascular Diseases
Leveraging Standard Terminologies to Quantify Duplication in Patient Problem List
Generalizability of a Sepsis Machine Learning Algorithm Across a Multi-Hospital Healthcare System
Using Synthea(TM) Derived Synthetic Data to Simulate Randomized Clinical Trials: the SPRINT Trial Experiment
SEE-Diabetes, a Patient-Centered DSMES for Older Adults: Information Needs of Patients and Providers
Case Study on Data Standard Implementation Errors and Impact on Interoperability
Developing a Care Management System for Mental and Behavioral Health
Supporting Population Health Outcomes Studies Using a Framework of Social Determinants Linked EHR Data
Assessing the Contribution of Scanned Outside Documents to the Completeness of Real-World Data Abstraction
Supporting the Research Enterprise with Geocoding as Infrastructure
How Much Time Do Nurses Really Spend at the Bedside?
A Multi-Task Learning Approach to Chemical Property Prediction
Extraction of COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Events Using Natural Language Processing
Integrating Clinical Study and EHR Data for a National Post-Acute Sequelae of COVID-19 (PASC) Initiative
Prediction of Lung Cancer from Machine Learning Models based on Colorectal and Ovarian Cancer Screening Trial (PLCO) and National Lung Screening Trial (NLST)
Modernizing Data Pipelines and Visualizations of Injury-related Emergency Department Visit Data – Lessons Learned
Modeling Optimal Air Ambulance Base Locations: A MEXCLP Approach
Using Natural Language Processing to Identify Laterality of Nephrolithiasis Surgical Procedures
Continuous Prediction of Organ Dysfunction in General Wards
Predicting Patients Most Likely to Respond to Mobile Health Messaging
Effects of Limited Sample Size on the Performance of Commonly Used Neural Networks: A Case Study Using PubMed Hepatitis Case Report Abstracts
Learning about Impact on Chronic Diseases from #COVID19 Conversations on Twitter
Leveraging EHR Data to Support a Hospital GIS for Hospital-Onset Clostridioides difficile (C. difficile)
A Generalized Approach to Assessing the Gaps between Information Needs and Information Readiness when Planning Informatics Solutions for Clinical guidelines
Automated Clinical Quality Language (CQL) Generation
Evaluating Primary Care Impacts of Auto-Primary Care Provider Assignment Using a Matched Randomized Controlled Trial
Understanding Clinician Workflows to Design AI Risk Prediction Models
Building a Scalable Knowledge Management Approach to Support Evidence Provision for Precision Medicine
Phenotypic analysis within the socio-economic exposome
NLP Sandbox: Overcoming data access barriers to reliably assess the performance of NLP tools
AI Showcase: AI-aided Genetic Diagnosis and Disease-gene Discovery: Scaling Up and Evaluation of an Automated Deep Phenotyping Algorithm on two External EHR Datasets
AI Showcase: Technical Performance Evaluation of a Deep Learning-based Vancomycin Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Model
AI Showcase: A Multi-aspect Technical Performance Evaluation of Deep Learning Based Model for Predicting COVID-19 Patients Outcomes on Admission
AI Showcase: Towards an Optimal Policy of Mass Casualty Trauma Triage
AI Showcase: Evaluating the Translational Aspects of AI Application in Healthcare
AI Showcase: Comparing Multiple Implementable Predictive Models for Pediatric Clinical Deterioration
AI Showcase: Developing a Chest Radiography Generative Adversarial Network (CXR-GAN) for Medical Education Simulation
AI Showcase: I-WIN: an Intensive care Warning INdex System for Early Prediction of Clinical Deterioration and Intervention Using Data-driven Machine Learning Modeling of EHR Data
AI Showcase: Predicting Thirty-day Unplanned Cancer Readmissions using Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
AI Showcase: Lessons Learned from Developing and Deploying a Real-Time Machine Learning Sepsis Prediction Model for Hematopoietic Cell Transplant Recipients
Translational Bioinformatics/Data Science Year in Review: Dr. Nicholas Tatonetti
Assessing Clinical Site Readiness for EHR-to-EDC Data Collection
COVID-19 has Exposed a Lack of Truly Portable EHR Data and Phenotyping which should Ignite us to Take Action
Measuring what matters: Collecting race and ethnicity data to reduce disparities in COVID-19 vaccination
Natural Language Processing for Enterprise-scale De-identification of Protected Health Information in Clinical Notes
Clinical Data Cohort Quality Improvement: The Case of the Medication Data in The University of Minnesota’s Clinical Data Repository
Variability in EHR Data About Race and Ethnicity as Observed in the National COVID Cohort Collaborative Data Enclave
Advancing Interoperability of Patient-level Social Determinants of Health Data to Support COVID-19 Research
Comparing EHR data collected from FHIR API with an OMOP Database
Using PEDSnet, a National Clinical Research Network, To Track the Evolution of COVIID-19 in Children Within the United States
Neighborhood Characteristics and COVID-19 Incidence and Mortality in Southeastern Pennsylvania
S05: Oral Presentation - COVID: Health Disparities, Patient Portals, Children and More!
S06: Oral Presentation - New Frontiers in Electronic Data Warehouses for Research (EDW4R): Clinical Data Models and Data Quality Assessments
S07: Panel - Using Clinical Informatics to Improve Chronic Pain and Opioid Management in Real-World Clinical Practice
S08: Panel - Lessons Learned from a National Data to Health Coordinating Center
A Technical Performance Study and Proposed Systematic and Comprehensive Evaluation of an ML-based CDS Solution for Pediatric Asthma
Machine Learning for Developing a Prediction Model of Hospital Admission of Emergency Department Patients: Hype or Hope?
Physician Experience Design (PXD): More Usable Machine Learning Prediction for Clinical Decision Making
Machine Learning Powered Identification of Cancer Diagnoses and Diagnosis Dates from EHR: an integrated pipeline that outperforms ICD-coded identification
Prospective Evaluation of a 90-day Mortality Prediction Model: From Silent Pilots to Real Time Deployment in the EHR
A Holistic AI Evaluation Framework for Identifying Unrecognized Bias in Validated COVID-19 Prediction Models
Development of a Smartphone-Based Decision Support Tool for Predicting Patients at Risk of Chemotherapy-Induced Nausea and Vomiting using Decision Tree Induction
Discovering drug combinations impacting cancer incidence
Identifying Patients with Interstitial Lung Disease in Electronic Health Records: Development and Validation of Machine Learning Algorithms
Predicting Avoidable Emergency Department Visits Using the NHAMCS Dataset
Leveraging Explainable Machine Learning to Predict New Onset of ICU Delirium
Multi-Site Testing of an Opioid Prescribing Electronic Clinical Quality Measure Following Elective Primary Total Hip and/or Total Knee Arthroplasties
Predicting Unplanned 7-day Intensive Care Unit Readmissions with Machine Learning Models for Improved Discharge Risk Assessment
VitalSeer: The development of a contactless sensing technology based on a user-centric data-driven clinical approach
A Day-to-Day Approach for Automating the Hospital Course Section of the Discharge Summary
Generalizing an Antibiotic Recommendation Algorithm for Treatment of Urinary Tract Infections to a New York City Hospital System
Predictive Modeling of Periodontal Disease Risks Using Electronic Dental Records and Explainable Machine Learning
Predicting Hormonal Therapy Medication Discontinuation for Breast Cancer Patients using Structured Data in Electronic Medical Records
AI Showcase - Oral Presentations: Stage 1
S09: Panel - Generating Synthetic Health Data to Accelerate Patient-Centered Outcomes Research (PCOR) and the Evaluation of an Open-Source Synthetic Data Platform for Simulation Studies
S10: Oral Presentation - The Gears in Motion: Machine Learning and Automated Methods to Improve Clinical Processes
S11: Oral Presentation - User-centric Data-driven Clinical Decision Support
S12: Oral Presentation - Drugs, drugs and more drugs: Challenges and Solutions from Pharma-Informatics
Integrating Patient-generated Digital Health Data into Electronic Health Records (EHRs) in Ambulatory Care Settings: EHR Vendor Survey and Interviews
Lessons Learned from Large Scale Curation of EHR Data
Clinical Informatics as a Driver of Innovation and Quality of Care in Pediatric Integrated Behavioral Health
Defining Venous Thromboembolism Using the Electronic Health Record: A Data Driven Approach
Extending Tree-Based Automated Machine Learning to Biomedical Image and Text Data Using Custom Feature Extractors
Leveraging novel ePRO and existing EHR datamarts to assess clinical outcomes in ambulatory oncology
Assessment of Data Quality Variability across Two EHR Systems through a Case Study of Post-Surgical Complications
Prior Knowledge Enhances Radiology Report Generation
Clinicians’ Perspectives in Using Patient-Generated Health Data to Improve Ischemic Heart Disease Management
Comparison of Alexa Voice and Audio Interfaces for Home-Based Physical Telerehabilitation
Extracting Radiological Findings With Normalized Anatomical Information Using a Span-Based BERT Relation Extraction Model
MetBERT: a generalizable and pre-trained deep learning model for the prediction of metastatic cancer from clinical notes
S13: Oral Presentation - I see you everywhere: Imaging Informatics and other Visual Data
S14: Panel - Utility of the All of Us Researcher Workbench in Educational and Research Settings
S15: Systems Demonstrations - Tools from the Trenches: Real World CRI and Data Science Systems
S16: Oral Presentation - Curious Curation: EHR Data and Its Use
S17: Oral Presentation - Integrating Patient Generated Health Data
A Rapid Detection Tool for Cognitive Impairment in Everyday Clinical Settings
Improving the Natural Language Processing Pipeline for De-identification of Clinical Notes at an Academic Medical Center
A Framework to Integrate, Explore, and Visualize Patient-Generated Health Data, Patient Reported Outcomes and Clinical Data: PPP-Integrator
Translating Hypertension Treatment Guidelines into Patient-Facing Clinical Decision Support
The Iowa Health Data Resource data enclave for processing patient data: Initial design and pilot results
Detecting and Modelling Structured and Random Noise in Reported COVID-19 Cases
Economic Analysis of Single Institutional Review Board Data Exchange Standards in Multi-Center Clinical Studies
Putting NCCN Guidelines on the Map: Using CMAP as a Visual Aid to Treat Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
Methods Used to Assess mHealth Applications for Cardiovascular Disease: Findings from a Quasi-Systematic Scoping Review
Azure Modern Analytics Architecture for Synthetic Syndromic Surveillance
Deep Learning-based Approaches for Relation Extraction between Cancer Treatment and Temporal Information from Electronic Health Records
Using N3C Enclave for Drug-Drug Interaction studies: the case of DOAC-Dexamethasone Interaction and the risk of Thrombosis
Real Time Decision Support for Achieving Maximal Compliance with Annual Suicide Screening Requirements in the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
Supporting Electronic Health Record Data Usage in Research for Teams with Varying Data Science and Clinical Knowledge
Creating a data repository of sociomic factors to further characterize clinical outcomes and disease progression in patients with asthma
ICU Census: The Critical Care Management System for an Oncologic ICU
Predicting Suicide Attempt Amongst People with Diabetes Using Generalized Linear Model
Women?s Health Postpartum Care and Continuity
Assisting Exercise Survivorship Data Curation with a Computer-Vision- and Optical-Character-Recognition-Supported Web Application
Neural Network for Stroke Outcome Prediction after Thrombectomy
Advancing Hallmarks of Cancer Identification from Scientific Literature
Informing Training Needs for the Revised Certified Clinical Data Manager (CCDMTM) Exam: Analysis of Results from the Previous Exam
Data Augmentation with Word Embeddings for Medical Concept Extraction
Quality Evaluation of Image-Based Survival Data from Clinical Trials
Exploring EHR-related Workload Patterns for Physician Trainees
Predicting Out of Control Hypertensive Patients With Blood Pressure History
Design Principles Towards Higher Efficiency in Multi-document Annotation
Moffitt Cancer Analytics Platform (MCAP): A Cloud-Based Data Platform for Improved Data Curation, Integration, and Access
Evaluating the Bias and Fairness of Machine Learning-based Clinical Prediction Models
Relation Extraction from Biomedical Literature on Pharmacokinetic Natural Product-Drug Interactions
Evaluation of a multi-component phenotype algorithm for systemic lupus erythematosus across the PCORnet, OMOP, and i2b2 common data models
Machine Learning Model for De-identifying Health-Related Qualitative Research Documents
The Translational Drug Combination Knowledgebase (TDCKB): An Informatics Bridge for Cancer Drug Combination Research
Comparative Protein-Protein Interaction Network Analysis of Urothelial Carcinoma Subtypes
Replicable gene-environment effects for body mass index in diverse cohorts
Informatic analysis of electromagnetic fields for the physical exposome
Consumer Attitudes Toward Vaccine Credentialing Systems
RNASee: A Rules-Based Tool for APOBEC-Editing Site Identification
Clinical Trial Matching for Lung Cancer Patients
AI Showcase: AI-aided Genetic Diagnosis and Disease-gene Discovery: Scaling Up and Evaluation of an Automated Deep Phenotyping Algorithm on two External EHR Datasets
AI Showcase: A Multi-aspect Technical Performance Evaluation of Deep Learning Based Model for Predicting COVID-19 Patients Outcomes on Admission
AI Showcase: Technical Performance Evaluation of a Deep Learning-based Vancomycin Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Model
AI Showcase: Towards an Optimal Policy of Mass Casualty Trauma Triage
AI Showcase: Developing a Chest Radiography Generative Adversarial Network (CXR-GAN) for Medical Education Simulation
AI Showcase: Comparing Multiple Implementable Predictive Models for Pediatric Clinical Deterioration
AI Showcase: I-WIN: an Intensive care Warning INdex System for Early Prediction of Clinical Deterioration and Intervention Using Data-driven Machine Learning Modeling of EHR Data
AI Showcase: Predicting Thirty-day Unplanned Cancer Readmissions using Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
AI Showcase: Evaluating Vendor-derived Pediatric Sepsis Predictive Model in Acute Care Settings
AI Showcase: Lessons Learned from Developing and Deploying a Real-Time Machine Learning Sepsis Prediction Model for Hematopoietic Cell Transplant Recipients
A Machine Learning Approach to Predict Decreased Opioid Prescribing Among a Cohort of 85K Providers
Observability and Its Impact on Differential Bias for Clinical Prediction Models
Harmonization of Disease Pathways from Scientific Literature Using Graph Databases
Consistency Check of the FHIR W5 Classification System in FHIR Modeling: Towards Improved Semantic Representation of FHIR RDF
ECG and SpO2 Signal-Based Real-Time Sleep Apnea Detection Using Feed-Forward Artificial Neural Network
Fusion of Chest Radiographs and Electronic Medical Records using Deep Learning to Predict Intubation among Hospitalized Patients with COVID-19
S18: Panel - Ensuring Quality: A Core Competency of Federated EHR Data Networks
S19: Oral Presentation - Knowledge (Management) Is Power
S20: Oral Presentation - Networks, Machine Learning and Other Novel Methods for Clinical Prediction
Secondary Academic Appointments: A Hidden Dimension of Disparity?
Careers in Health Informatics: New Opportunities Aligned with the Data Ecosystem
Improving Pharmacovigilance Signal Detection from Clinical Notes with Locality Sensitive Neural Concept Embeddings
A Pilot Study on Extrapolating Level of Confidence and Correctness Between Nurses And Physicians In Interpreting Ambiguity Around Phrases With Adverse Drug Event Mentions
Want to Identify Cohorts Seamlessly Across Data Models? Try ACT
Moving from predicting hospital deaths by antibiotic-resistant bloodstream bacteremia toward actionable risk reduction using machine learning on electronic health records
Testing a filtering strategy for systematic reviews: evaluating work savings and recall
Investigating the impact of weakly supervised data on text mining models of publication transparency: a case study on randomized controlled trials
S21: Panel - Identifying and Addressing the Evolving Privacy and Security Risks Lurking in Translational Science
S22: Panel - Machine Learning, Data, Algorithms, and Equity in Biomedicine and Healthcare
S23: Oral Presentation - Adverse Drug Events Identification and Risk Prediction
S24: Oral Presentation - Advancing Informatics and Data Science Career Development and Best Practices
BEHRTDAY: Dynamic Mortality Risk Prediction using Time-Variant COVID-19 Patient Specific Trajectories
Canary in the Care Coordination Coalmine: Specialist Utilization as a Signal of Care Coordination Among Members Before and After Direct Primary Care Exposure
Multimorbidity Patterns Across Race/Ethnicity Stratified by Age and Obesity: A Cross-sectional Study of a National U.S. Sample
Using Shapes of COVID-19 Positive Patient-Specific Trajectories for Mortality Prediction
Developing A Precision Health, Patient Centered, Self-Management Framework
Predicting Persistent Respiratory Sequelae in COVID-19 Patients
Improving Automatic Detection of COVID-19 Disease Severity in an International COVID-19 Research Network: Applying Chart Review and Hospital System Dynamics
Temporal Subtyping of Alzheimer’s Disease Using Medical Conditions Preceding Alzheimer’s Disease Onset in Electronic Health Records
Reversal of infected host gene expression identifies repurposed drug candidate for SARS-CoV-2 and its new variants
S26: Oral Presentation - EHR-based Phenotyping
S27: Panel - De-Identified Record Linkage: the power of combining PPRL and an Honest Linkage Broker
S28: Oral Presentation - Informatics-driven Patient Centered Care
Applying FHIR Genomics for Research – From Sequencing to Database
Domain Adaptation of a Deep Learning Symptom Extractor for Different Patient Populations and Clinical Settings
Improving the Quality of Suggestions for Medical Text Simplification Tools
gene2gauss: A multi-view gaussian gene embedding learner for analyzing transcriptomic networks
Magnified Convolutional Enrichment Representation Model
Using Natural Language Processing to Classify Serious Illness Communication with Oncology Patients
Automated Dental Cavity Detection System Using Deep Learning and Explainable AI
Large Scale Whole Genome Sequencing Analysis of Autism Spectrum Disorder
Half the picture: Word frequencies reveal racial differences in clinical documentation, but not their causes
Identifying Interpretable Clinical Subtypes within Heterogeneous Dementia Clinic Population
Applying Natural Language Processing Neural Network Architectures to Augment Appointment Request Review of Self-Referred Patients to an Academic Medical Center
Gene Set-Level analyses enable Smaller Studies to compare groups in rare and infrequent Diseases or in ultra-fine stratification of common disorders
GRACE: A Smoothing Algorithm for Removing Heterogeneous Noise and Implausible Fluctuations of Observed Disease Curves
S29: Panel - Building Data Capacity for Patient-Centered Outcomes Research (PCOR) for the Next Decade
S30: Oral Presentation - Trends in Gene Fashion: Translational Genomic Analyses
S31: Oral Presentation - Words and their Meanings!: Natural Language Processing, Text Processing and more!
S32: Oral Presentation - Deep thinking: Deep Learning and Interpretable Phenotyping
Addressing and Assessing COVID-19 Information Needs via a Weather App
Automatic Cohort Determination from Twitter for HIV Prevention amongst Black and Hispanic Men
Deep Clinical Phenotyping of Race and Ethnicity-Stratified Alzheimer’s Disease Patients Leveraging Electronic Medical Records Data
Evaluation of Google Search Trends for COVID-19 Vaccination Administration Efforts within a Public Health Department
The Open-Source EMERSE (Electronic Medical Record Search Engine) Tool
Evaluating Multifaceted Ontology Systems: A Preliminary Analysis of the GSSO in LGBTQIA+ and Medical Spaces
MedTator: A Lightweight Interactive Multi-Document Annotation Tool
Tracking the COVID-19 outbreak in India through Twitter: Opportunities for social media based global pandemic surveillance
Understanding COVID-19 Information Needs from Conversational Logs
Growth and Disparities in Mental Health, Telemedicine, and Telemedicine Mental Health Usage between 2013 and 2018 among Disabled Medicaid Clients in Urban, Suburban, and Rural Texas Counties
mHealth-4-Mhealth (mobile health for migrant health) Surveillance Program
S33: Oral Presentation - Public Health Goes Global: Health Tackling the COVID-19 Epidemic
S34: Panel - Fast-Tracking the Path from FHIR Implementation Guide to Implementation
S35: Oral Presentation - Developing and Using Informatics to Study Disparities
S36: Systems Demonstrations - Improving Workflow: Informatics Tools No Researcher Should Be Without

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