Desktop Resolution: 1920 x 1080 Display
Desktop Zoom: 100%
Screen Aspect Ratio: 16:9
Preferred Browser: Chrome or Firefox (latest Versions, please update browsers)
Supported also: Safari, Edge (latest Versions, please update browsers)
IE not recommended
General Browser Capabilities Test:
For Attendees to have uninterrupted access: min. 20Mbps DOWNLOAD speed (Slower speeds can still log on but may experience issues)
For Presenters/Moderators/Host/Exhibitors: 20 Mbps UPLOAD/20 Mbps DOWNLOAD speed or greater is preferred. Presenters/Moderators/Hosts with slower speeds may incur some issues.
Conduct a speed test here:
SUPPORTED - Windows, MAC, Linux
WINDOWS: 10 for Best Experience (Windows 7 is no longer being supported by Microsoft , thus WILL have issues, Windows 8.1 has entered Microsoft Non-Support Window and WILL have issues)
MAC: OS X 10.6 or later
LINUX: RHEL 5.6 or later, openSUSE 11.3 or later, or Ubuntu 10.04 or later
Please turn off VPN
MINIMUM REQUIREMENT: Assumed by default is that TCP ports 80 and 443 are open. Some firewall rules only allow for TCP traffic over port 443, make sure that all traffic can pass over this port. If you continue to experience issues, you may need to follow the rest of the rules below.
BEST EXPERIENCE: In addition to the minimum requirements being met, we recommend that UDP ports 1025 - 65535 be open.