Unique Session Formats

Session Topics

The AAOE 2025 Annual Conference has education designed for orthopedic practice professionals of all experience levels and roles, covering topic areas including:

  • Business Development
  • Compliance
  • Customer Service
  • Data Analytics
  • Finance
  • Human Resources
  • IT
  • Leadership
  • Marketing and Communication
  • Operations
  • Value-Based Care

Session Tracks

Sessions are also identified by the following tracks:

  • Nuts and Bolts: Provide the tools and resources to perform the day-to-day operations required for your job—the “nuts and bolts” you need to succeed. After attending these sessions, you will be able to apply the information learned immediately.
  • Strategic: Designed for practice executives' planning growth and positioning, or who are looking to address an issue within their practice. Learn what is needed to create a strategic plan to move your practice forward in the coming year. After attending these sessions, you will have the knowledge and tools to go back to your office and develop a strategy specific to your practice’s needs.
  • On the Horizon: Prepare for new initiatives that are coming. These “hot topic” trends may be frequently talked about, but only a few practices have begun implementing them. Learn about these emerging trends and how to prepare from practices who have already started. Make sure you are ready for these changes and learn how they will affect your practice.


Learning Formats

These learning formats will be offered at the conference:

  • Game Changers: Take a break from business education to focus on YOU!
  • IGNITE Sessions: Speakers will have just five minutes to give their presentation, and their PowerPoint slides will auto-advance to ensure they keep up!