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About the Conference

The AAOE Annual Conference is hosted by the American Alliance of Orthopaedic Executives (AAOE), an organization dedicated to providing education and resources to administrators and the staff of orthopedic practices and other musculoskeletal groups. 

Who Should Attend?

  • Executives
  • Professional Staff
  • Practice Leaders
  • Managing Physicians
  • Hospital Administrators
  • Athletic Trainers
  • Nurses
  • Educators
  • Industry Partners
  • YOU!

Following the conclusion of participating in this activity, learners should be able to:

  • Integrate new orthopedic practice management techniques and strategies into their practices.
  • Analyze practice management policies needed to promote efficient business practices.
  • Compare and contrast available products and services to identify the most effective solutions for their practices.
  • Examine the most recent changes in healthcare and the orthopedic industry that will impact their practices.
  • Establish professional connections with peers in the orthopedic community.

Conference Goals

At the conclusion of the 2024 AAOE Annual Conference, attendees will learn the following, based on sessions they attend in each core function area:

Business Development

  • Understand and assess if different lines of business could work for one’s practice, including alternative therapies or increased accessibility.


  • Build and manage an effective compliance program.


  • Assess different ways to manage office culture and how to implement changes at one’s own practice.

Customer Service

  • Establish strong customer service protocols to improve patient satisfaction.

Data Analytics

  • Use data to improve satisfaction and patient outcomes.
  • Learn how to leverage one’s own data to benchmark against other practices.


  • Assess how small non-financial changes, such as increasing efficiency, can have a positive impact on the bottom line.

Human Resources

  • Analyze current human resources practices and determine which should be updated, removed, or added in order to improve morale, increase patient satisfaction, or otherwise make positive changes in the practice.


  • Perform tasks – both old and new – more efficiently with the right technology in place.

Marketing & Communications

  • Discuss different tactics for marketing, communications, and social media; including the advantages and disadvantages of each and how they could impact one’s practice.


  • Understand the ins and outs of managing bundled payments and the impacts this could have on one’s practice; as well as how to communicate the necessary position to one’s physicians or board of directors.
  • Measure effectiveness of current billing and coding models and provide an action plan to improve.

Value-Based Care

  • Identify and understand different payer models and assess which is best for your practice.
  • Recognize and understand the difference between ACOs and bundles, and how value-based care can impact the entire practice, from patients to physicians.

Additional Conference Information

  • Prerequisites: No prerequisites are required.
  • Advanced Preparation: No advanced preparation is required.
  • Delivery Method: Group-live


For additional information about AAOE, visit the AAOE website or call 800-247-9699.