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Sessions by Function/Topic

View sessions recommended by function area and topic! See sessions specifically related to your main functional role for your practice. Note that all sessions are open to all attendees.

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Brain Break

A Truly "Happy" Hour to Tickle Your Funny Bone and Create a More Positive Work Culture
Sarah Routman, Laugh for the Health of It, LLC

GOAL GET ‘EM! An Intensely-Fun Goal Setting Session
Lauren Pasqualone, LP2 Agency

People-Reading Made Easy: A Simple Framework for Building Effective Professional Relationships
Mary White, MTI Business Solutions

Productivity Brain Breaks: A Facilitated White Space
Beth Ziesenis, Your Nerdy Best Friend

Business Development

Alternative Therapy for Orthopaedics [Strategic]
JR Burgess, MS, Chief Executive Officer, MedFit

Everything You Need to Know About Office DME [On the Horizon]
Lynn Anderanin, CPC, CPC-I, CPMA, CPPM, COSC, Senior Director of Coding Education, Healthcare Information Services, LLC  

Working 9 to 5? Not Anymore! Establishing Open Access and an After-Hours Philosophy [Strategic]
Kim Wishon, MBA, FACMPE, Chief Executive Officer, Watauga Orthopaedics; Kevin Ban, Chief Medical Officer, athenahealth

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10 Sure Fire Ways to Enable a HIPAA Security Breach [Nuts & Bolts]
Marion Jenkins, PhD, FHIMSS, Partner, HealthSpaces

Concerns With EMR/EHR Documentation in Your Practice [Strategic]
Shannon DeConda, CPC, CPMA, CEMC, CEMA, CMSCS, Partner, Founder, and President, NAMAS

Maximizing MIPS Incentive Potential in Your Orthopaedic Practice [Nuts & Bolts]
Kerri Wing, RN, BSN, MS, Director of Clinical Analytics, Advantum Health

Spinal Procedures and Coding: OIG/Payers are Taking a Closer Look. Will Your Documentation Hold Up? [Nuts & Bolts]
Margie Vaught, CPC, COC, CCS-P, MCS-P, ACS-OR, Consultant, ACDC Consulting

Stump the Lawyer [Nuts & Bolts]
David Glaser, Esq., Shareholder, Fredrikson & Byron

Taking on Opioids [On the Horizon]
Krista Christensen, MBA, CPC, CRA, Administrative Director, Orthopedics, and Neuroscience Institute, Virginia Mason Medical Center

The Importance of an Effective Compliance Program [Nuts & Bolts]
Renita Bean, CHC, CHCO, MHA, MBA, Chief Compliance Officer, The Centers for Advanced Orthopaedics

What Supports a 99214 vs. 99213 and What Does a Detailed vs. Comprehensive Exam Look Like for Orthopaedic Visits? [Nuts & Bolts]
Margie Vaught, CPC, COC, CCS-P, MCS-P, ACS-OR, Consultant, ACDC Consulting

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At the Intersection of Culture and Merger [Strategic]
Joianne Meyers, BS, Executive Director of Care Processes and Staff Development, Northern Arizona Orthopaedics; David Bereson, Director of Business Intelligence and Analytics, Northern Arizona Orthopaedics

Building a Remarkable Service Culture that Raises Patient Satisfaction—and the Bottom Line—to New Heights[Strategic]
Gail Schwartz, Vice President—Healthcare Division, trg Marketing Works; Tina Rudisill, President, trg Marketing Works

Navigating Rough Waters: Unifying Physician Leadership and Delivering Solutions Amidst Crucial Conversations[Strategic]
Jarett Landman, MS, PA-C, MBA, Chief Operating Officer, Sports Medicine North Orthopedic Surgery, Inc.

The Importance of a Thriving Culture and Joy in the Workplace for Organizational and Staff Success: The What, Why, and How [Strategic]
Thomas Royer, Physician Executive, CEO Emeritus, CHRISTUS Health; CEO and Partner, Royer-Maddox-Herron Advisor, Royer-Maddox-Herron Advisors

Truly Happy Hour to Tickle Your Funny Bone and Create a More Positive Work Culture [Brain Break]
Sarah Routman, Laughter Yoga Leader and Teacher, Laugh for the Health of It

What Sets Successful Leaders Apart [Nuts & Bolts]
John Polikandriotis, PhD, MBA, MPH, FACHE, CMPE, Chief Executive Officer, Vail Summit Orthopaedics

Your Practice. Their Experience. [Strategic]
Tony Edwards, Senior Vice President, Venel

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Customer Service

Delivering Exceptional Customer Service [Nuts & Bolts]
Ben Shah, MBA, FHFMA, Chief Executive Officer, Olympia Orthopaedic Associates; Lourie Roberts, Director of Clinical Services, Olympia Orthopaedic Associates

Patient-Centric Care: Transforming Patient Experience, Access, and Outcomes Through the Retail Experience [Strategic]
Robert Jehling, CHRIS, Senior Director, Client Success, Sharecare

The Art of First Impressions for Positive Impact . . . 8 Ways to Transform Relationship Results [Nuts & Bolts]
Susan Young, MSA, Positive Impact & Change Expert, Susan C Young International, LLC

The New “Front Door": How Provider Groups Can Rethink Patient Access and Create a Competitive Advantage [Strategic]
Jeff Goldberg, PT, CMPE, Chief Operating Officer, Resurgens Orthopaedics; Arun Mohan, Chief Executive Officer, Radix Health

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Data Analytics

Completing the AAOE Benchmarking Survey [Nuts & Bolts]
Olivia Wolf, CPC, Administrator, Alaska Hand Elbow Shoulder Surgical Specialists; Ronald Whiting, CPA, Chief Executive Officer/Chief Financial Officer, Fredericksburg Orthopaedic Associates PC; Vicki Sprague, PhD, Director, Data Solutions, AAOE; Diane Hubisz, MBA, Practice Administrator, New England Orthopedic Specialists

Implementing Patient-Reported Outcomes to Improve Quality of Care, Increase Patient Engagement, and Enhance Marketing [Strategic]
Michael Barr, HBA, Vice President, Sales & Marketing, Ortech Data Inc.

Incorporating Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence in Orthopaedic Workflow [On the Horizon]
Ranjan Sachdev, MD, MBA, CHC, Founder, Sachdev Orthopaedics, LLC

Looking Beyond Operational Data: Connecting Satisfaction, Outcome, and Quality Data to Benchmarking Results [Nuts & Bolts]
Vicki Sprague, PhD, Director, Data Solutions, AAOE

Maximizing ROI for the Benchmarking Survey [Nuts & Bolts]
Olivia Wolf, CPC, Administrator, Alaska Hand Elbow Shoulder Surgical Specialists; Chris Greenman, MBA/MHA, CMPE, Administrator, Tahoe Fracture & Orthopedic Medical Clinic; Terrance Rosenthal, AT, C, Practice Administrator, The Orthopaedic Clinic, PC

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10 Best Payer Contracting Practices for Orthopaedists and Orthopaedic Supply Companies for 2019 and Beyond [Strategic]
Steve Selbst, Co-Owner, Healthcents, Inc.

Orthopedic Surgeons: “Million Dollar” Physicians (True or False) [On the Horizon]
Max Reiboldt, CPA, President / Chief Executive Officer, Coker Group; Donna Rizzio, Chief Executive Officer, Hartford Orthopedic Surgeons, PC

The Proficient PA: A Round Table Discussion on Leveraging Physician Assistants to Drive Organizational Efficiency [Strategic]
Jarett Landman, MS, PA-C, MBA, Chief Operating Officer, Sports Medicine North Orthopedic Surgery, Inc.

Turning Denials into Dollars and Operational Improvements [Nuts & Bolts]
Chastity Werner, CMPE, CRCR, RHIT, NCP, Director of Client Success, HIPAAtrek

Waging War on CHRONIC Issues in Your Practice [Strategic]
Tammie Simao, CMPE, Chief Executive Officer, Orthopedic Partners; Jim Kidd, CMPE, Chief Executive Officer, Advanced Bone & Joint

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Human Resources

Engagement as Strategy: Get the Right People on Your Bus and Keep Them There! [Nuts & Bolts]
Ryan Smith, MHA, ACHE, Vice President/Chief Operating Officer, Capital Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine, PC

How to Attract, Recruit, and Retain Great Employees [Strategic]
Steve Anderson, PhD, President / Senior Leadership Consultant, Integrated Leadership Systems

Increase Your Organizational Productivity Through the 5S’s of Lean and Visual Management [Nuts & Bolts]
Laurie Fiorica, MS, Vice President, Ancillary Care Strategies

Interviewing for the Soft Skills You Can't Teach [Strategic]
Amy Lafko, MSPT, MBA, CPBA, Founder / Principal, Cairn Consulting Solutions

Managing Up! Leadership Skills for Administrators [Nuts & Bolts]
Debra Phairas, MBA, President, Practice & Liability Consultants, LLC

People-Reading Made Easy: A Simple Framework for Building Effective Professional Relationships [Brain Break]
Mary White, MA, SPHR, SHRM-SCP, Director, Corporate Training / Talent Development, MTI Business Solutions

Recognizing and Preventing Sexual Harassment: What Managers Need to Know [Nuts & Bolts]
Mary White, MA, SPHR, SHRM-SCP, Director, Corporate Training / Talent Development, MTI Business Solutions

That Happened? Yep. And It Can Happen to You. [Nuts & Bolts]
Julie Jines, MHA, CPHRM, Director of Risk Management, OrthoForum Insurance Company c/o IntraHealth Group

What Is Sexual Harassment? What Are We Supposed to Do? How Do We Train Supervisors? [Nuts & Bolts]
Tom Ealey, CPA, Professor / Consultant, Alma College

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29 Tech Tools to Create Cool Content for Social Media and Marketing [Nuts & Bolts]
Beth Ziesenis, CSP, Your Nerdy Best Friend

Cost Effective Strategies for Securing Against the Human Behavior [On the Horizon]
Adam Steinhoff, Chief Executive Officer, Dedicated IT

It’s a Party and You’re Invited: Bring Your Own Device! [On the Horizon]
Eric Christensen, CHCP, Director of Client Services, Healthcare Compliance Pros, Inc.

Power Productivity for OA Leaders: Tech Tools to Get Stuff Done [Strategic]
Beth Ziesenis, CSP, Your Nerdy Best Friend

Productivity Brain Breaks: A Facilitated White Space [Brain Break]
Beth Ziesenis, CSP, Your Nerdy Best Friend

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Marketing and Communications

Managing Your Online Presence and How to WIN against Negative Reviews [On the Horizon]
Debra Phairas, MBA, President, Practice & Liability Consultants, LLC

Interactive Communications: Successes and Failures, Insights and Strategy for the Online Orthopaedist [On the Horizon]
Chassity Davis, Senior Vice President, Venel

Top-Rated Orthopaedic Practices Increase Revenue via 5-Star Reputations. You Can Too! [On the Horizon]
Ty Allen, eMBA, Chief Executive Officer, SocialClime; Alexander Sroka, CMO, Midwest Orthopaedics at Rush

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GOAL GET ‘EM! An Intensely-Fun Goal Setting Session [Brain Break]
Linley Paske, Co-Founder, LP2 Boutique Agency; Lauren Pasqualone, Co-Founder, LP2 Boutique Agency

Implementing a Value-Based Care Bundle Using That is Successful and Engages Providers [On the Horizon]
Krista Christensen, MBA, CPC, CRA, Administrative Director, Orthopedics, and Neuroscience Institute, Virginia Mason Medical Center

Managing Bundled Payments in Small Group Practices [On the Horizon]
Susan Nelson, MS, Administrator, CT Neck and Back

Merging Practices: Marriages Made in Heaven or Hell? [Strategic]
Debra Phairas, MBA, President, Practice & Liability Consultants, LLC

Operating Successfully Under Advanced Payment Models: The Devil Is in the Details [On the Horizon]
Elias Knight, MD, MBA, Senior Vice President / CMO, Coker Group

Pathways to Increasing Reimbursement Without Increasing Volume [On the Horizon]
Jeana Singleton, JD, Attorney, Midwest Healthcare Consultants; Jack Diamond, JD, Attorney, Brennan, Manna & Diamond, LLC; Matthew Diamond, JD, Attorney, Apollo Medical Solutions, LLC

Strategies and Tools to Improve Physician Well-Being and Beat Back Burnout [Nuts & Bolts]
Jeffery Smith, MD, FACS, CPC, Orthopaedic Traumatologist and Founder, SurgeonMasters, Orthopaedic Trauma and Fracture Specialists

What You May be Missing in Office and Surgical Coding [Nuts & Bolts]
Lynn Anderanin, CPC, CPC-I, CPMA, CPPM, COSC, Senior Director of Coding Education, Healthcare Information Services, LLC

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Value-Based Care

ACOs vs. Bundles: The War for Patients [On the Horizon]
Joel James, MA, Director, Public and Government Affairs, Signature Medical Group

Commercial Bundles: The New Frontier in Transitioning From Volume to Value [On the Horizon]
Ann Conrath, MSW, LCSW, Director of Business Development, Signature Care Management; Vincent McVittie, Executive Director, Signature Medical Group

Physician Engagement: Key to Successful Implementation of BPCI-A and Other Value-Based Care Initiatives [On the Horizon]
Andrew Tessier, MBA, Director Business Development, Signature Medical Group; Matt Civili, Senior Director of Program Management, Signature Medical Group

The Death of Fee-for-Service: Transforming Orthopaedics for the Value-Based Future [On the Horizon]
Dennis Flint, ACMPE nominee, Chief Strategy Officer, Millennia Patient Services

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